Make it easier to fast with full foods

Paying attention to the foods consumed during Ramadan is of great importance in terms of health. While fasting people prefer heavy meals for iftar, they consume lighter foods during sahur.

Foods consumed in sahur, which is the most important meal of the month of Ramadan, can affect the appetite control during the day positively or negatively. While some of the foods provide a feeling of satiety, others can cause a feeling of hunger. Dyt from Memorial Ankara Hospital, Department of Nutrition and Diet. Ceyda Nur Çakın listed the foods that should be eaten and avoided during sahur as follows:

Foods that keep you full:

Egg: Egg is the most important food that gives fullness. Thanks to its high quality protein content, it helps to provide a good appetite control by slowing down stomach emptying.

Cereals: Complex carbohydrates rich in fiber such as whole grain bread, buckwheat and oats should be consumed in sahur. These grains are the main energy source of our body and contribute to the feeling of satiety by providing a more balanced blood sugar profile during the day.

Greens: Raw vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers should definitely be included in the sahur table. Increased fiber intake with raw vegetable consumption will slow down stomach emptying and provide a feeling of satiety for a longer period of time. Adding one fresh fruit to the sahur menu in addition to raw vegetables will increase this effect.

Dairy products: Including dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt, milk or kefir helps appetite control by contributing to protein intake.

Nuts: Walnuts, raw almonds, hazelnuts and unsalted olives help you stay full thanks to the healthy fatty acids and dietary fiber it contains.

Foods to avoid:

Frying types: Although any food cooked with frying method is not included in healthy eating recommendations, it should not be preferred while fasting. Because blood sugar can drop rapidly after meals with high fat content; The feeling of thirst may increase during the day.

Delicatessen products: Delicatessen products such as salami, soudjouk, sausage, and pastrami contain high amounts of fat and salt, so they are among the foods that should be avoided.

Pastry: Pastries such as cakes, pastries, pastries and white bread cause blood sugar to rise rapidly and then decrease after consumption. The fact that these products are included in the sahur menu can create a feeling of hunger during the day.

Tea and coffee: Consuming too much tea and coffee in suhoor will cause a feeling of thirst as it will increase fluid loss from the body.

Fruit juice: Fruits should be consumed in shell and whole, not juiced. While consumption of fruit juice does not provide a balanced blood sugar profile during the day; The absence of dietary fiber in fruit juice has a negative effect on appetite.

Roasted and salted nuts: It should be kept in mind that nuts should be consumed unroasted and without salt, otherwise it may trigger thirst.

Fatty meat products: Generally, attention should be paid to the fat, salt and spice content of foods; The consumption of roasting and other fatty meats should be avoided.

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