Dear User,
OtonomHaber Welcome to Website,
The following “Confidentiality Agreement”, OtonomHaberregulates the provision of information and services provided to our valued users.
OtonomHaber Any user entering or completing the forms on the website shall be deemed to have read and accepted the provisions of the “Copyright Information”, “Privacy Policy” and Şartlar Terms of Use..
- OtonomHaberMay use the information collected from registered and guest users who visit the Web Site for any kind of analysis. OtonomHaber share this information with business partners. However, email and other personal information will not be shared with any business partner, company, organization or other organization without the user's consent.
- OtonomHaber does not publish any e-mail, name, surname, phone number and any information entered during registration on the Web Site of the registered and guest users;
- OtonomHaber 3 will only disclose your personal information under the following legal circumstances and legal procedures. opens to parties.
a.) If there is a written request from the legal authorities,
b.) OtonomHaberto protect and defend the property rights of
c.) In accordance with the rules that you accept under the terms of use.
- OtonomHaberYour personal information stored in is only visible to you. This information is in no way sold, rented or exchanged with another institution or organization. Except as provided in this “Confidentiality Agreement”, 3. not shared with individuals. OtonomHaber takes all possible measures to fulfill the conditions promised in this contract.
- OtonomHaber information stored in a non-public environment. OtonomHaberuses all kinds of industry standards to protect information in the environment.
- You have the right to update and change any personal information you enter during registration at any time. OtonomHaber is entitled to delete or suspend your account if you fail to comply with this “Confidentiality Agreement” and the “Service Agreement”.
- Due to the nature of the Internet, the information can be circulated on the Internet without adequate security measures and may be received and used by unauthorized persons. Damage caused by this use and use OtonomHaberis not the responsibility of.
- In some cases, non-personal information may be collected. This type of information as an example of the type of internet browser you use, your operating system, the link to our site or the domain name of the site can be given by advertisement.
- Information may be placed on your computer when you visit the Site. This information will be in the form of a cookie or similar file and will help us in several ways. For example, cookies will allow us to tailor sites and ads to your interests and preferences. Almost all Internet browsers have options to delete cookies from your hard drive, prevent them from being written, or to receive warning messages before they are saved. For more information, please refer to your browser's help files and usage information.
- Your IP address is used to keep the Web Site and our servers running continuously, to manage and to solve the problems. Your IP address is used to identify you.
- This Web Site provides links to other websites. Confidentiality is valid only within this Web Site and does not cover other websites. The Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of the sites related to the use of the links on this website and other websites to be used are valid. It is recommended that you read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use texts of those sites on other websites you go with this link from this Web Site.
- Personal or company information, e-mail addresses, site statistics, visitor profiles of our customers using our infrastructure are not shared with third parties in any way.
- Logs belonging to the Sites are kept confidential except for the applications which can be made by official channels (Public Prosecutor's Office, Security Informatics Bureau). Access logs are stored during 180 days.
- Visitor comments, visitor membership information, visit information (IP, timestamp, useragent) are kept confidential including News System employees.OtonomHaber reserves the right to change any information in this text. By using this site, you are deemed to have accepted any and all changes to this “Privacy Assurance”.
- Copyrights of all kinds of content such as code, news, pictures, interviews OtonomHaberAll articles, materials, images, audio files, animations, videos, designs and regulations of the .com site are protected by copyright law 5846. These may not be copied, distributed, modified, published in any way without the written permission of .com. Copying and use cannot be made without permission and without specifying the source.
- OtonomHaberExternal links on .com open on a separate page. Authors are responsible for the published writings and comments. may change at any time without notice. We are not responsible for any errors caused by the information on this site.
- All external links on this website are opened in a new tab. does not take responsibility for external links.
- OtonomrHaber takes care of the privacy of you and your visitors and promises to comply with the rules stated below.
- © Copyright 2023 - all rights reserved.