More Hair Shedding, It Makes Skin Scaling! Pay Attention To These While Using Vitamins!

Stating that vitamins and minerals, which have an important place in the maintenance of vital functions, should be obtained from the foods taken, experts emphasize that vitamin and mineral supplements should be under the control of a physician. Experts warn that unconsciously consumed excess vitamins can accumulate in the body and damage vital organs such as the heart, kidney and liver. warns. Experts also specify people who need to use vitamins and minerals.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Assist. Assoc. Dr. Ayhan Levent made evaluations on the use of vitamins and minerals.

Stating that vitamins and minerals have a critical role in maintaining our vital functions, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Ayhan Levent, “These substances take part in many stages of our metabolism. Consuming vitamins without the advice of a physician can cause health problems. We should not forget that no vitamin-mineral supplement can provide the nutrients necessary for health as much as natural foods.” said.

Unconsciously consumed vitamins can harm

Noting that we get the vitamins and minerals our metabolism needs from the foods we take, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Ayhan Levent, “Excess vitamins are either excreted through the urinary tract or cleared by the liver. People who have a balanced diet and do not have any disease do not need vitamin and mineral supplements to strengthen their immune system. Unconsciously consumed vitamins and minerals can accumulate in the body and damage vital organs such as the heart, kidney and liver. he said.

Should be used under medical supervision

Stating that the use of vitamin and mineral supplements should be under the control of a physician, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Ayhan Levent emphasized that measurements should be made beforehand and listed the people who should use vitamins and minerals as follows:

  • Those who have a medically determined vitamin and mineral deficiency,
  • strict dieters,
  • Those who cannot provide adequate and balanced nutrition (for psychological or economic reasons),
  • vegetarians,
  • Near zamthose who are currently infected,
  • Those with immune deficiency
  • Those with chronic diseases,
  • Those who use long-term immunosuppressant drugs,
  • Those with gastrointestinal diseases that cause digestive problems,
  • Growing babies, children and teenagers, the elderly,
  • Dialysis patients,
  • Pregnant and lactating women (Iron, folate, vitamin B12, etc.),
  • Women in the menopausal period.

Supplementation is recommended for those with severe vitamin deficiencies.

Noting that it is recommended to take vitamins especially naturally, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Ayhan Levent said, “However, those who suffer from severe vitamin deficiency or are in the process of illness are advised to take vitamin supplements in the form of drugs with the advice of a physician. Consumption of vitamins by people who eat well without the advice of a physician can cause health problems. warned.

May produce toxic effects

Assist. Assoc. Dr. Ayhan Levent, “It is known that fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are stored in the body when taken in excess and show various toxic effects. In case of excessive intake of water-soluble vitamins B and C, less side effects may occur. said.

There may be flaking of the skin and hair loss.

“Excess vitamin A has a toxic effect on the liver, causing flaking on the skin, hair loss, visual impairment, muscle weakness,” Asst. Assoc. Dr. Ayhan Levent said:

“In some studies, it has been seen that the rate of lung cancer is increased in those who have an excess of vitamin A. Excess vitamin D increases the level of calcium in the blood: This leads to arrhythmia in the heart, kidney stone formation, severe nausea, vomiting and muscle cramps. Excess vitamin E: causes headache, dizziness. Excess vitamin K: causes coagulation disorders. Excessive consumption of B1 and B6 vitamins can damage the nervous system and develop numbness, loss of sensation and weakness in the hands and feet. Vomiting, abdominal pain, is seen in excess of vitamin C. Contrary to what we have said, vitamin D deficiency is very common due to working indoors and not getting enough sunlight.”

Folic acid supplementation is very important during pregnancy.

Assist. Assoc. Dr. Pointing out the importance of folic acid use during pregnancy, Ayhan Levent said, “Taking folic acid supplements during pregnancy helps to have a healthy pregnancy process and prevents many diseases that may occur in the unborn baby. Adequate folic acid intake is helpful in preventing the formation of neural tube defects and other congenital disorders. For this reason, folic acid supplementation is recommended before pregnancy, especially for women who are planning a pregnancy. said.

Regular exercise and adequate sleep

"We can meet all the nutrients the body needs by eating a sufficient and balanced diet," said Assist. Assoc. Dr. Ayhan Levent, “Because, when foods are chosen consciously, they can provide all vitamins and minerals that protect and improve health in the required proportions. In addition, if we want to support our immunity, we should exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and stay away from stress, smoking and alcohol.” he said.

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