Rulle: “Vettel is close zam"I don't think he'll come back right now."


Four-time world champion Sebastian Vettel has decided to end his Formula 2022 career at the end of the 1 season after two seasons with Aston Martin. However, there has been talk recently about the possibility of Vettel returning to sports. So, can he really return to Formula 1?

Vettel's Future

The possibility of Sebastian Vettel returning to the sport was further strengthened when he said in an interview that he could not rule out returning to the sport. Jota team boss Sam Hignett confirmed that he was in talks with Vettel about the 2024 World Endurance Championship.

Climate and Environment Projects

But what will Vettel's comeback depend on? Some experts think his interest in climate and environmental projects may prevent him from returning to sports. Vettel likes to spend more time with his family and focus on environmental projects.

Opinion of Pedro de la Rosa

Former F1 driver Pedro de la Rosa evaluated Vettel's potential comeback. He noted that the luxury of being able to retire is a rarity for many drivers. Additionally, a busy schedule like Formula 1 means spending time with family. zamHe pointed out how it could affect the moment.


Sebastian Vettel's decision to return to Formula 1 seems to be shaped by his personal preferences and interests. If he returns, the demanding nature of the sport and the busy schedule will be a factor in spending time with his family. zamwill determine how it will affect the moment.