What is the September 23 equinox and what does it mean? What are the effects of the autumn equinox and what happens?


What does the September 23 equinox mean? What you need to know about the autumn equinox

Today, September 23, the equinox occurs. Equinox means that day and night are equal. This date symbolizes the beginning of different seasons for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. So, what is the equinox and what does it mean? We have compiled for you the curious facts about the autumn equinox.

What is the equinox?

Equinox comes from the Latin words “equis” (equal) and “nox” (night). Equinox is the day when the Sun's rays are perpendicular to the Equator during the Earth's orbit. On these days, day and night lengths are equal.

The equinox occurs twice each year. One of these is called the spring equinox around March 21, and the other is called the autumn equinox around September 23.

What is the autumn equinox? zamat?

The autumn equinox occurred this year on Thursday, September 23 at 17.21. From this moment on, the autumn season began in the Northern Hemisphere. Spring season has begun in the Southern Hemisphere.

After the autumn equinox, daylight hours begin to shorten in the Northern Hemisphere and nighttime durations decrease.zamstarts the month. In the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite happens.

What are the effects of the autumnal equinox?

The autumn equinox has some effects, both natural and cultural. Some of the effects of the autumnal equinox include:

  • The autumn equinox triggers the leaf shedding process of plants. In this process, plants reduce photosynthesis and the chlorophyll pigment in their leaves decreases. This causes the leaves to turn yellow and brown.
  • Autumn equinox, animal migration zamdetermines the moment. Some bird species, insects and mammals migrate to warmer regions.
  • The autumn equinox also affects people's biological rhythm. The shorter daylight hours increase the secretion of the melatonin hormone. This can lead to conditions such as sleepiness, fatigue and depression in people.
  • The autumn equinox carries important meaning in some cultures. For example, in China, the autumn equinox is celebrated as the “Mid Autumn Festival”. In this festival, moon-shaped desserts are eaten and the beauty of the moon is enjoyed.