Quality Sleep is a Must for Long Journeys

With the holidays and summer holidays, holidaymakers started to leave. Experts warn those who will go on long journeys and emphasize that insufficient sleep will cause attention deficit while driving. Studies show that about 100 thousand accidents and 1500 deaths occur every year due to tired and sleepless driving. On the subject, the Sleep Association states that 6-8 hours of sleep before departure will reduce the risk of accidents.

In this context, İşbir Bedding General Manager Ahmet Tokeri pointed out that the sleep problems experienced during the pandemic process still continue and stated that a quality sleep before going on vacation will be more important for long journeys.

Causes difficulty in concentration

Studies also show that tired and sleepless driving is among the most dangerous and important types of accidents, just as drunk driving.

Pointing out that sleep paves the way for bodily rest, Tokeri said, “Sleep quality is of great importance to start the day fit. If you don't get a good night's sleep, people face certain problems during the day. Lack of sleep and chronic insomnia; It can cause negative consequences such as lack of attention, difficulty in concentration, poor performance, high blood pressure and irritability that will reduce your quality of life during the day. In addition, while negatively affecting the driving performance, it also brings serious accidents.

17.1% of traffic accidents are due to lack of sleep.

Tokeri said, “Looking at the data released on the subject, accidents due to insomnia account for 17.1% of all traffic accidents. At this point, the choice of bed is of great importance for the sleep quality of the person. Factors such as not being suitable for the person and not being in sufficient dimensions are among the main reasons that negatively affect sleep quality. If we think that one third of our life is spent in sleep; Quality and healthy sleep is essential not only for long journeys, but also for avoiding sleep problems during the day. In addition, being behind the wheel for a long time brings problems such as pain and cramps in the head, neck and lumbar regions. In order to prevent such problems, the use of support pillows is of great importance.”

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