Practical information about vaginoplasty surgery

Vaginoplasty surgery may include the following steps:

  1. Patient Evaluation: Your doctor will first review your medical history, perform a physical examination, and evaluate the suitability of surgery.

  2. Anesthesia: Usually vaginoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and an overnight hospital stay may be required.

  3. Determining the Incision Location: Your doctor will identify unnecessary tissue and enlarged areas within the vagina.

  4. Tissue Removal and Stitching: Excess tissue will be removed, vaginal walls will be tightened and stitches will be placed. Stitches are generally chosen as dissolvable.

  5. Healing Process: The post-operative recovery process varies from person to person. The healing process can usually take 5-6 weeks, during which time sexual activities and strenuous exercise are usually restricted.

Vaginoplasty surgery is not a plastic surgery, it is the same zamIt is currently a functional surgery. Therefore, you should understand the risks and benefits of surgery before considering this type of operation. As with any surgical intervention, vaginoplasty surgery must be carefully planned and performed by a specialist surgeon.