Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources will recruit 15 assistant experts

ministry of energy and natural resources will recruit assistant expert CnbnWGU jpg
ministry of energy and natural resources will recruit assistant expert CnbnWGU jpg

The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources will recruit 15 assistant experts. Application deadline is January 26, 2023

From the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources:




A total of 7 Assistant Energy and Natural Resources Experts from the 9th to 15th degrees of the General Administration Services Class will be recruited through an oral examination to serve in the central organization of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (ANKARA). The number of positions to be made, the number of candidates to be called for the oral exam and the Public Personnel Selection Examination (KPSS) score type are stated in the table below.

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-If there are not as many applications for the competitive exam as there are as many assistant experts as the number of assistant specialists to be accepted by branch of education, the Ministry has the authority to determine the numbers and make changes among the branches of education according to the staff and need.

-If the number of candidates who meet the conditions to take the exam and apply duly is greater than the number of candidates who will take the exam stated in the table. The above mentioned number of candidates will be taken to the competitive exam, starting from the candidate with the highest KPSS score. If there is more than one candidate in the last place due to having equal scores, all of these candidates will be called for the exam.


-In the KPSS exam conducted by ÖSYM in 2022 or 2023. Having received a score of 70 or above from the score types specified in the table.

-Graduating from the departments specified in the table of the faculties that provide at least 4 years of education or from one of the departments whose equivalence is accepted by the Council of Higher Education, as of the application deadline,

-To have the general conditions specified in subparagraph (A) of the first paragraph of Article 657 of the Civil Servants Law No. 48,

-Being under the age of thirty-five as of the first day of January of the year in which the competitive exam is held.

(those born on or after January 1989, XNUMX).

-To apply within the deadline.


-Candidates; You can submit your competitive exam applications via e-Government via the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Career Gateway - Public Recruitment and Career Gateway ( will be made electronically at the address with the e-Government password, and candidates will also be able to contact our Ministry between the application dates. They will also be directed to apply via the application link included in the announcement regarding the exam to be published on the website.

-Applications will start at 15.01.2024 on 9.30 and end at 26.01.2024 on 17.30.

-Graduation information of the candidates who will apply for the competitive exam comes automatically from the Higher Education Council on e-Government. Candidates who have graduated from educational institutions at home or abroad and have equivalence for the educational status sought in this announcement must upload the relevant document in pdf or jpg format to the "Document Showing Equivalence" field under the "Your Other Documents" stage during the e-Government application.

- "Your transaction has been completed successfully" on the Career Gateway-Public Recruitment Platform. Applications without the following phrase will not be evaluated. Therefore, candidates should check whether the application process has been completed.

-During the application made within the application dates via Career Gateway-Public Recruitment Platform; Applications in the "Application Not Completed Yet" process in the "Application Status" column on the "Your Applications" screen can be updated with the "Update" button.

-Candidates who apply are responsible for completing the application process without any errors, completely and in accordance with the issues specified in this announcement, and for uploading the required documents to the system at the application stage.

-Candidates who have successfully applied will be able to print out their "Application Information" after completing the application process.

-Applications that are not made in accordance with the procedure and/or on time will not be accepted.

-Applicants who do not have the right to participate in the exam will not be notified.


– The competitive exam will be held between 22.04,2024, 03.05.2024 - 2 at the General Directorate of Management Services, 9th Floor A Block of our Ministry's headquarters located at Nasuh Akar Mahallesi Türk Ocağı Caddesi No:XNUMX Bahçelievler/Çankaya/ANKARA.

– The list of candidates who are eligible to participate in the competitive exam and the exam schedule are published by the Ministry.” It will be published on the website. Candidates will also be able to view information about their exams via Career Gateway.


– Announcements made on the official website of our Ministry and the Career Gateway-Public Recruitment Platform are considered as notifications. No additional written notification will be given to the relevant candidates.

– Candidates' (registered and verified) mobile phone number and e-mail address information, which comes automatically via e-Government when applying to the Career Gateway-Public Recruitment Platform, will be taken into account in contacting the candidates when necessary.

– Candidates themselves will be responsible for any loss of rights that may occur due to not following the announcements in question.


-The competitive exam will be held orally.

-Oral exam candidates;

a) Their level of knowledge on professional issues (professional information regarding university education and legislation regarding the Ministry's field of duty),

b) Comprehending and summarizing a subject, ability to express and reasoning power,

e) His/her merit, ability to represent, suitability of behavior and reactions to the profession,

d) Self-confidence, persuasion ability and credibility.

d) General ability and general culture,

e) Openness to scientific, technological and current developments,

Fifty points for the aspects written in paragraph (a) and ten points for each of the features written in paragraphs (b) to (e) are evaluated and given separate points.

In order to be considered successful in the oral exam, the arithmetic average of the scores given by the chairman and members of the examination board out of 100 full points must be at least 70.


-The examination board makes the final success ranking separately according to the graduation fields within the framework of the announced quotas.

-The main candidates for the number of positions specified in the announcement are determined, starting from the candidate with the highest success score. A reserve list is determined, provided that it does not exceed half of the number of assistant expert positions to be recruited.

-The rights of the candidates on the reserve list are valid until the next exam date (c. two years later) and do not constitute a vested right or any priority for subsequent exams. Having a score of 70 or above in the competitive exam does not constitute a vested right for candidates who cannot rank in the main and reserve lists.

-Main and reserve lists containing the names and surnames of the candidates who are successful in the competitive exam are prepared by the Ministry.” It will be announced on the website. Additionally, candidates will be able to view information about their results via the Career Gateway.


-Among those on the main list who do not apply without a valid excuse within the period notified to them for the appointment process, and those who are later understood to not meet the necessary conditions, appointment procedures will not be carried out. Exam results will not be considered an acquired right for candidates who do not apply without an excuse within the period notified to them for appointment or who do not start their duties within the specified period despite being appointed.

-Those who did not apply within the period specified in the notification, those who waived the appointment process, those whose appointments were cancelled, and those who were not appointed upon the understanding that they did not meet any of the conditions for being employed as civil servants, may be replaced by appointments from the reserve list.



-The lists of those who will be taken to the competitive exam, which are created based on the KPSS score type and score within the scope of the above-mentioned groups, within five business days from the announcement of the name lists.

-Competitive exam results within five business days from the announcement of the results. It will be made to the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.

The objections made after a period of time will not be considered.