Gendarmerie General Command will receive 2380 contracted Active Duty Petty Officers

Gendarmerie General Command will recruit contracted active-duty petty officers eNiCaGw jpg
Gendarmerie General Command will recruit contracted active-duty petty officers eNiCaGw jpg

Gendarmerie General Command will recruit 2380 contracted Active Duty Petty Officers. Application deadline is January 14, 2023

From the Presidency of the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: TO THE GENERAL COMMAND OF THE GENDARMERIE AND THE COAST GUARD COMMAND


They will receive education and training under the Presidency of the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy, in order to be employed in the Gendarmerie General Command and Coast Guard Command headquarters and their affiliated units and institutions; 2380 (12 active duty, 2368 contracted) gendarmerie petty officers (male/female), 110 (contracted) coast guard petty officers (male/female) will be provided.


a. Reference guides,,, ve (T.R. Presidency Strategy and Budget Presidency) will be published on their website.

b. Applications will start on December 29, 2023 and end on January 14, 2024 at 23:59.

c. Candidates must apply after reading the entire application guide. The candidate is responsible for any negative consequences that may arise from incorrect coding and incorrect statements made during the application and from not following the advertisements.

ç. Applications are only It will be made through the e-Government portal via the internet address and the Personnel Supply System (PTS) of the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy. Applications made by mail or in person other than online will not be taken into consideration.

e-Government password, mobile signature, e-signature, T.R. You will log in with your ID card or one of the internet banking options.

to. The list of candidates whose applications are accepted and who are eligible to participate in the selection exams, the application principles regarding the exams, the exam center, the exam date and all other announcements will be announced on PTS.


a. Being a citizen of the Republic of Turkey,

b.To graduate from the education programs specified in the application guides, to graduate from higher education institutions abroad whose equivalence is accepted by the Council of Higher Education, or to be in a position to graduate by the temporary registration date (Temporary registration date will be announced later. Temporary graduation certificates of those who can graduate until the announced date will be accepted.) ,

c. For those who have graduated from the undergraduate or associate degree departments specified in the guide for the Gendarmerie General Command or who are able to graduate by the temporary registration date, those who have not completed the age of twenty-seven (01) as of January 2023, 27, according to the uncorrected population record (those born on January 01, 1996 and later can apply), For those who have completed their postgraduate education, being under the age of thirty-two (32) according to the uncorrected population register (those born on or after January 01, 1991 can apply),

NS. For those who have graduated from associate degree departments for the Coast Guard Command or are able to graduate until the temporary registration date, not to have completed the age of twenty-seven (01) as of 2023 January 27 according to the uncorrected population record (those born on 01 January 1996 and later will be able to apply),

D. Security investigation and archive research to be positive,

to. Not to be pregnant,

f. Except for those who have been dismissed due to the provisions of the Health Regulation, not having been separated or expelled from military schools, schools affiliated with the police force, and Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Training Institutions for any reason, or failing the proficiency exam of these schools, not having been expelled from civilian schools, Turkish Armed Forces, Gendarmerie General Staff Not having resigned or been discharged while serving as an officer, petty officer, specialist gendarmerie, specialist sergeant or contract sergeant in the Command and Coast Guard Command,

g. In addition to the conditions stated above, to meet the application conditions specified in the "2024 Gen. Gen. Command Active Duty/Contracted Petty Officer Application Guide" and the "2024 Coast Guard Command Contracted Petty Officer Application Guide".


a. Address and contact Information:

Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy (JSGA) Campus

JSGA Presidency Personnel Supply Central Command

Beytepe / Çankaya / ANKARA

TEL: (0312) 464 4836 (Weekdays: 08.00-12.00 / 13.30-17.00)

b. Official Internet Addresses:

Gendarmerie General Command:

Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy Presidency:

Coast Guard Command:
