Smoking is the Most Important Cause of Oral Cancers

Oral cavity cancers rank second after laryngeal cancer in our country in the head and neck region, and in the first rank ahead of laryngeal cancer in developed countries. Underlining that smoking is the first factor that causes oral cancers, Anadolu Health Center Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ziya Saltürk, “Long-term lesion in the mouth and smoking increase the risk of cancer. Smoking should not be used to reduce the risk of cancer,” he said.

While oral cancer is seen in the second place in the head and neck region in Turkey, it is in the first place ahead of laryngeal cancer in developed countries. Emphasizing that the most common type is squamous cell carcinoma and one of the most important factors in its formation is smoking, Anadolu Health Center Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ziya Saltürk said, “For example, chewing a pleasing substance called betel nut commonly in Southeast Asia causes oral cancers to be seen frequently in India and its environs.”

Early detection of a tumor in the tongue is important for treatment.

Stating that oral cavity cancers can start with formations called premaline lesions, Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ziya Saltürk said, “The most common of these is the white colored plaques called leukoplakia. There is an average of 1 percent risk of developing cancer, especially on the tongue and floor of the mouth. Erytoplaki are red velvety premaline lesions and have a higher risk of developing cancer. Lesions called lichen planus and oral submucous fibrosis may also be at risk. Assoc. Dr. Ziya Saltürk said, “Changes in the language and wounds are usually noticed early and people apply in the early stages. This increases the success rate of treatment. Tumors in other regions such as the floor of the mouth appear as advanced.

A complete ear-nose-throat examination should be performed in cancers of the floor of the mouth.

Reminding that it is important to perform a full ear, nose and throat examination in cancers of the floor of the mouth, Assoc. Dr. Ziya Saltürk said, “Neck MRI and neck CT (computed tomography) are very important in diagnosis and staging. In addition, a pathological diagnosis is mandatory in order to start treatment. PET CT is an examination that should be preferred in advanced diseases. The treatment is surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and usually surgery, radiotherapy / radiochemotherapy methods are used.

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