Ne zamCan't drink water now?

Water is an indispensable element for the human body to continue functioning at its best, from digestion to the immune system. Meeting the daily water requirement opens the door to being a healthy individual, but not meeting it certainly opens the door to diseases. But drinking water all the time may not be healthy. So when not to drink water? 

If water, which is the most basic need of a human being, is not available in sufficient quantities in the body, unthinkable diseases begin to occur. Water is a fuel for the body. Just as a car cannot run without fuel, humans cannot survive without water. But the time to drink water is also very valuable.

Although drinking water is important for health, drinking water at certain periods of time can also harm your health. It is known that in certain cases, water consumption causes more harm than good.

In addition, it becomes easier to lose weight by avoiding drinking water at the wrong times and managing water consumption properly. Losing weight will be more possible if you consume the water that will meet your daily water requirement using the water drinking techniques listed below. These are the times when water should not be consumed...

1. Between sleep 

Drinking water while sleeping affects the brain. In addition, just as the body rests at night, organs also need rest. Drinking water during sleep will cause the organs to work more slowly. This may shorten kidney life. 

2. After eating fruit

Drinking water after eating fruit is quite harmful. Fruits are essentially foods with high water content. Since it contains sugar and yeast, stomach acid occurs when you drink water after eating fruit. Digestion slows down and gas accumulates in the stomach (carbon dioxide and alcohol production occurs). This causes bloating. 

3. After vomiting

Drinking water after vomiting will again trigger nausea. Additionally, drinking water after vomiting also causes plague. Therefore, it would be a healthy decision to rest the stomach for a while after vomiting. 

4. During meals 

Drinking water during meals helps gastric acid (the type of acid that facilitates the digestion of protein, carbohydrates, fat, and salad) to fulfill its function; So it will be difficult to digest. A.In addition, drinking water right before a meal causes the stomach volume to increase and weight gain over a long period of time.

5. After eating dessert

Drinking water after dessert allows the sugar in the dessert to mix into the blood faster. If you drink water after eating dessert, your blood sugar will double. It also causes conditions such as sudden dizziness, weakness and drowsiness. 

6. After bath

It is not considered safe to consume water after taking a bath. Drinking water after a shower causes the organs to get tired and age faster. On the other hand, it causes nerve damage and damage to the bone marrow. To the question "When to drink water after a bath?" The answer may be 'after waiting for half an hour'. 

7. After running

Drinking water immediately after running or exerting a lot of effort is also very dangerous. Drinking water after running will cause the liver and spleen to enlarge. Afterwards, serious diseases will occur. Therefore, water quickly Not drinking water would be a better decision. 

8. After eating bitter

Bitter food is very useful under normal conditions, but it can become harmful if you drink water on top of it. After eating bitter food, the effect of bitterness on the stomach and other organs will increase and subsequently reflux, ulcers, gastritis and intestinal disorders will occur. 

9. Just before a meal

Water consumed right before a meal reduces stomach acidity. When the acid level in the stomach is insufficient, digestion of food in the stomach becomes very difficult. When it goes to the intestines, gas and bloating occur. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink water within half an hour before a meal. 

10. Immediately after eating

Drinking water immediately after eating is not a healthy habit. Drinking water immediately before a meal is considered the same as drinking water immediately after a meal. Additionally, it is known in Islamic literature that many scholars do not accept drinking water immediately after a meal.