Is procrastination a disease or a cycle? Postponements that start with reluctance can turn into a cycle

One of the main reasons for procrastination is zamExpressing that there are moment management and prioritization problems, experts say that one of the most important steps to prevent lack of motivation is to find the missing piece in motivation.Expert Clinical Psychologist Dr. also draws attention to the procrastination cycle. Aslı Başabak Bhais said, “Not wanting to do anything during the procrastinations that start with reluctance and finding it difficult creates reluctance in us. This reluctance causes not to do anything. Unless we do it, we become unhappy. Unhappiness increases our reluctance, reluctance increases our inertia, and the cycle is formed.”Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. Aslı Başabak Bhais made statements about procrastination disease.“One of the reasons for procrastination zam"Having problems with moment management"Procrastination disease; Specialist Clinical Psychologist Dr. stated that it is defined as a person's postponement of the work that needs to be done, avoiding doing it or constantly postponing it. Aslı Başabak Bhais said, “Finding the missing piece of motivation is one of the most important ways to prevent procrastination. One of the reasons for procrastination is zamHaving problems with moment management and prioritization. ZamTo do better moment management, to make a good business plan, to plan our program according to our priorities. Doing the most urgent things first, and then doing the things that we think will happen whether they happen or not.” said.“If there is no problem with self-confidence, there is a problem with obligation or requirements.”Neurofeedback and Expert Clinical Psychologist Dr. noted that attention is studied with biofeedback programs. Aslı Başabak Bhais said, “When motivation is low, it is good to find out what reduces motivation. If there is no problem with self-confidence, there is a problem with obligation or requirements. It is important to be finding this and working on it.” he said. What demotivates you?Expert Clinical Psychologist Dr. points out the importance of finding the underlying cause of procrastination. Aslı Başabak Bhais said, “It is important to find what demotivates. “We recommend starting with doing mediocre things.” Expert Clinical Psychologist Dr. also drew attention to the procrastination cycle. Aslı Başabak Bhais said, “In particular, there is a cycle like this; In procrastination that starts with reluctance, not wanting to do anything, finding it difficult, and thinking that we are not ready creates reluctance in us. This reluctance leads to inaction. It causes you not to do anything. Unless we do it, we become unhappy. Unhappiness increases our reluctance, reluctance increases our inertia, and a cycle is formed. “What I can suggest is to start with action.”We have no chance to change our feelings. When we say that we will be very enthusiastic or very happy now, we cannot do this. But saying, 'I can do something even if I don't want to or even if I think I won't be happy' is something we can control. We cannot control our emotions, but we can control our behavior. So what I can suggest is that you start with action.