Renault Fascinated Press Members with the Launch of the New Austral

Renault crowned its success by winning the "Press Launch of the Year" award, in which members of the press voted on the test drives or promotional organizations of the brands and models they attended in 2023, with its New Austral Launch. MAİS, which was selected as the "Press Launch of the Year" at the 2022 Sales and Communication Awards last year with the launch of Dacia Jogger, was deemed worthy of this award for the second time in a row.

“Notice Every Moment” with the New Renault Austral

For the New Renault Austral Launch held in Gökçeada, the westernmost tip of Turkey, a manifesto and hashtag were created for the event concept and the idea on which the event will be based entirely. A launch was planned, every moment full of new and unforgettable experiences, to remember that what is important is not how I get from one place to another, but what happens during this journey. Inspired by the slogan #EveryMomentNotice, the launch aimed to offer the "best Renault experience ever".

The guests, who were brought to Gökçeada by private jets, were not told the location of the launch until they set off on the journey. A personalized launch experience was offered for each guest. Special bolt shots that could only be seen in Hollywood were performed for the guests arriving at the airport, making each guest feel like a star. The hangar of Gökçeada Airport, where the launch presentation was held, was transformed into a movie set, complete with director chairs specially prepared for each guest. The star of the launch is not only the New Renault Austral, but also zamThey were the guests who would notice every moment with him.

During the driving experience on the uncharted roads of Gökçeada, we had the chance to test all of Austral's driving features. Accompanied by the historical texture of the island, at the discovery point where olive trees and the sea meet, the most famous local flavors of Gökçeada were personally prepared by the island chefs and presented to the guests. The guests, who had the opportunity to watch the sunset from the westernmost tip of Turkey, had the most special experiences throughout the day with the New Renault Austral in line with the "Realize Every Moment" concept.