What Do You Know About Weight Loss Injections?

What do you know about slimming injections IMxeOPmb jpg
What do you know about slimming injections IMxeOPmb jpg

The number of people who are dissatisfied with their weight has increased. The changing perception of beauty greatly underlines this dissatisfaction and pushes individuals to resort to different methods. One of the most controversial and talked about weight loss injections. So, what should you pay attention to in order to lose weight in a healthy way? What do weight loss injections do? What are healthy and unhealthy? Who cannot use it? Are there any side effects? Liv Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Yusuf Emre Uzun replied.

Balanced nutrition and regular exercise habits are important

The most accurate and healthy method to lose weight or be at your ideal body weight; It is about having a balanced diet and regular exercise habits. Apart from this, if there are medical conditions such as thyroid disorders or some hormonal abnormalities that cause the person to gain weight or make weight loss difficult, they should be treated.
The most well-known among the public is the slimming needle.
There are some medical and surgical treatment methods used for weight loss. The most current and frequently used medical treatment methods are drugs called GLP-1 receptor analogues in medical terminology, popularly known as "slimming injections".
FDA approved 
In fact, their expression as "slimming injection" may create some distrust. These drugs are safe drugs with FDA approval for the treatment of diabetes or obesity. Although they are recommended by national and international diabetes and obesity treatment guidelines, they are among the top treatment choices, especially in recent years. In particular, antidiabetic drugs are subject to strict control by the FDA before they are used, and they can be used only after it is ensured that they are safe in many respects, especially cardiovascular health. While only injection forms are currently available in our country, it can be easily administered by the patient, just like insulin treatment.

Controls appetite and slows stomach emptying
There are some hormones produced by our small intestines after eating. One of these hormones is GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1), and its functions include regulating the release of insulin and glucagon (hormones that maintain blood sugar balance), controlling appetite and slowing down the emptying of the stomach.

Prolongs stomach emptying time
GLP-1 receptor agonists are synthetic derivatives that serve as analogues of this hormone. In other words, they mimic this hormone and its effects. Therefore, when these drugs are administered zamThe patient's blood sugar is regulated, the stomach emptying time is prolonged and the appetite center in the brain is suppressed, creating a feeling of fullness. Through these mechanisms, both blood sugar control and weight loss are achieved.

It is used in the treatment of diabetes and obesity

These drugs are used in the treatment of diabetes and obesity, so if the treatment is successful, health problems caused by diabetes and obesity can be prevented. The main health problems that obesity can cause include insulin resistance, diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, chronic kidney disease, fatty liver, gallbladder stones, sleep apnea, orthopedic problems, depression, and increased cancer frequency. 

 Can anyone use slimming injections?

Although there are slightly different restrictions in different countries for the use of these treatments, in general; Patients with a body mass index over 30 or over 27 with accompanying metabolic problems (diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, etc.) are considered suitable.

Who cannot use these drugs?
This treatment method is not recommended for people with a previous history of pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) or pancreatic cancer, or for people with a family history of medullary thyroid cancer (a rare type of thyroid cancer). It should be used with caution in patients with stones in the gallbladder. It is also not suitable for pregnancy and breastfeeding periods. 

What side effects may occur?

Among the most common side effects that may occur due to these drugs are; nausea, vomiting (usually zamsymptoms may include diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. Pancreatitis is extremely rare as a side effect. This treatment method must be applied under the control of an internal medicine or endocrinologist. 

Source: (BYZHA) Beyaz News Agency