The bracelet used in nearly 100 patients provides a success rate of over 75 percent.
Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı said that they developed the wristband-shaped device, which provides over 75 percent success in hand tremors other than Parkinson's, with inventor engineers. Prof. stated that the bracelet weighing 430 grams acts with the logic of earthquake dampening. Dr. Tarlacı said, “Basically, there is a weight in it. A bracelet like a watch. There is a geometric mathematical order in it. In other words, it suppresses the tremor by sliding and flowing or carrying the weight in the opposite direction of the tremor.” said.
Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı gave information about the wristband-shaped device that provides over 75 percent success in treating hand tremors other than Parkinson's.
Noting that the device, developed with inspiration from nature, was designed based on earthquakes, Tarlacı said, “What we call an earthquake is the vibration of the earth's crust. The medical term for vibration is tremor. Tremor of the earth's crust, which also occurs in earthquakes. Seismic damper placed under buildings that inspire us. In other words, it is the divider that prevents earthquake waves from shaking the building.” said.
The effects of the drugs used are quite weak
Stating that there are two forms of tremor as Parkinson's and essential tremor, Tarlacı said, “The effects of the drugs used are quite weak. We can improve the daily life of an average of 30 percent of patients. Medicines also have many side effects. The effects of physiotherapy applications are quite limited. "Other than these, the most effective method is to implant a battery in the brain or to damage a certain part of the brain in a controlled manner, but it has some risks."
We developed a wristband-shaped device
Explaining that some mechanical devices have been developed to prevent shaking since the 1970s, Tarlacı said, “However, many of them are very difficult to use in daily life and none of them have left the laboratory and been presented to the public. We thought, could we develop a device like a seismic damper? As a result, we developed a wearable wristband-shaped device that does not contain any drugs or chemicals. This device takes immediate effect as soon as it is installed. It has an effectiveness of approximately 75 percent. “There are no side effects.” said.
There is a geometric mathematical order in it.
Stating that the bracelet weighing 430 grams acts with the logic of earthquake dampening, Tarlacı said, “Basically, there is a weight inside. A bracelet like a watch. There is a geometric mathematical order in it. In other words, it suppresses the tremor by sliding and flowing or carrying the weight in the opposite direction of the tremor.” said.
Even drinking a glass of water is torture
Stating that Essential tremor, which is a tremor disease of unknown cause, is generally transmitted between generations, Tarlacı said, “It is passed on from grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren or children. "These actions, which seem simple for everyone, such as drinking a glass of water, writing, or tying shoes, can turn into a great torment for those who complain of severe tremors." he said.
It is used in nearly 100 patients
Stating that the bracelet developed and produced in Turkey has started to be used in nearly 100 patients. Prof. Dr. Sultan Tarlacı said that there is also demand for the device from abroad.
It is produced by ALEA, the entrepreneurial company of BrainPark Incubation Center
The bracelet was produced by ALEA Neurotechnology and AR-GE Anonim A.Ş., established at Üsküdar University BrainPark Incubation Center. It is produced by. Prof. Dr. The special bracelet developed by ALEA, founded under the leadership of Sultan Tarlacı and his team Pusat Furkan Doğan and Metehan Kaya, offers the opportunity to treat the hand shaking disease called 'tremor'. ALEA company aims to provide solutions in the field of healthcare with wearable neurotechnology products.