How to make kuymak? Ingredients, preparation and tips…
Kuymak is one of the famous flavors of the Black Sea Region. This delicious dish, where corn flour and cheese meet with butter, cheers up the tables at every meal, from breakfast to dinner. Kuymak, also known as mihlama or muhlama in some regions, can be easily prepared at home. For those who want to make kuymak, you can find the ingredients, preparation and tips in our news. Here is the kuymak recipe…
Materials needed for cooking
The ingredients you need to make kuymak are:
- 4 tablespoon of cornmeal
- 2 water glass of water
- 2 spoonful butter
- 1 cup of string cheese, cheddar cheese and cheddar cheese mixture
- Salt (as much as you want, depending on the salt content of the cheese)
How to make kuymak
Here are the steps you need to follow to make Kuymak:
- Put 2 tablespoons of butter in a copper or teflon pan and melt it.
- Add 4 tablespoons of corn flour and salt and roast your flour.
- When it changes color slightly and gives off its scent, slowly add 2 glasses of cold water.
- Stir to avoid lumps.
- Cook on low heat for about 5 minutes until the water has evaporated and the oil has released.
- At this stage, add your cheese mixture and, without mixing too much, when your cheese melts and the oil comes back to its surface, turn off the heat and serve hot.
Tips to pay attention to when making kuymak
You can get a more delicious result if you pay attention to the following tips while making kuymak:
- If you are going to make kuymak with a copper pan, you need to heat the pan first.
- You can also choose to use milk instead of water to soften the taste.
- If you do not have the original kuymak cheese (kolot cheese), you can also make it with cheddar or other meltable cheese.
- You should adjust the amount of salt according to the salinity of the cheese you use.
- You should roast the corn flour until it changes color slightly.