Marc Surer finds Ferrari's decline this year surprising

ferrari marc

Ferrari disappointing in 2023 F1 season

After finishing the 2022 season in second place, Ferrari set a big goal to win the championship this year. However, they haven't had a good start to the season and are currently taking the championship in fourth place. Top Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc is fifth.

Former Formula 1 driver Marc Surer said he was surprised by Ferrari's decline this year. “This year they have perhaps managed to make their car more balanced, but they lost some momentum in the process,” Surer said. “It amazes me that the people who built that supercar last year can't do the same now,” he said.

Surer said Ferrari's downfall could be related to the atmosphere. “I think this work environment both affects and slows engineers down,” Surer said. “Theoretically, Frederic Vasseur is the right guy for the job, but he needs new names, but nobody wants to go to Italy right now,” he said. “Why would a man with a family move to Italy? This requires an extremely high level of motivation,” he said.

There are already many job opportunities for talented engineers in the UK, so this seems like a major obstacle to Ferrari's development.