Japanese automaker Suzuki has announced its “Growth Strategy” for fiscal year 2030. Japanese automaker Suzuki has announced its “Growth Strategy” for fiscal year 2030. Suzuki is preparing to implement crucial plans for the realization of a carbon-neutral society for the fiscal year 2030. In addition, Suzuki will continue its main operating regions in Japan, India and Europe, while contributing to the economic growth of developing countries such as India, ASEAN and Africa. The company will focus on creating Suzuki-specific solutions to develop customer-focused products and services and grow with the countries and regions in which it operates.
“6 different compact SUVs will hit the roads”
Suzuki will introduce commercial mini 2023% electric vehicle models to the market starting from Japan with the fiscal year 100, and plans to introduce 2030 different compact SUVs and mini vehicles by the fiscal year 6. It will also develop new hybrid vehicles for mini and compact vehicles and combine them with 100% electric vehicles to offer a rich variety to its customers.
In Europe, Suzuki will offer 2024% electric vehicles in the 100 fiscal year, and will expand its SUV and B segment product range by introducing 2030 more models to the market by the 5 fiscal year. Suzuki will also flexibly respond to the environmental regulations and customer requirements of each European country. In India, it will introduce the 2023% electric SUV model announced at Auto Expo 100 in fiscal year 2024 and will launch 2030 models by fiscal year 6. To provide a comprehensive range of products and services, Suzuki will not only offer 100% electric vehicles, but also carbon-neutral internal combustion engine vehicles using a mixture of CNG, biogas and ethanol fuels.
“The popularity of motorcycles will continue to increase”
Suzuki will offer a 2024% electric vehicle in fiscal 100 for small and medium-sized motorcycles for everyday commuting, such as commuting, school or shopping. By the 2030 fiscal year, it plans to introduce 100 new 8% electric models to the market and take a 25% share of the product range of electric motorcycles. The company is also considering using carbon neutral fuels for large recreational motorcycles.”
“Destination carbon neutral for outboards”
Suzuki will launch its first 2024% electric model for small power outboards in fiscal 100. It aims to introduce 2030 new models to the market, 5% of which consists of electric models, by the fiscal year 5. The brand also plans to use carbon neutral fuels for larger power outboards.
“Next generation electric transportation”
Suzuki continues to work on various electric transportation options, including the high-end electric vehicle. This study also reveals a new mode of transportation for people who voluntarily return their driver's licenses. KUPO is an evolution of veteran tools. Mobile Mover is a multi-purpose robot carrier developed in collaboration with M2 Labo. Suzuki will offer small transportation solutions that support its presence in new market segments created by diversification of customer needs and changes in the environment.
“Factories will be carbon neutral by fiscal year 2035”
Suzuki supports Suzuki Smart Factory installations that show what production should look like in 2030. Thus, it will continue to be a company that secures the means of transportation of people around the world. Combining Suzuki's “Sho-Sho-Kei-Tan-Bi” (Smaller, Less, Lighter, Shorter, Beautiful) production principle with digitalization; will optimize, minimize and simplify the flow of data, objects and energy. Through these initiatives, it will become lean and fight for carbon neutrality.
At the Kosai Factory, Suzuki's largest production center in Japan, it is aimed to reduce the CO2 emission of the dyeing plants by 30% in order to renew the dyeing plants and improve dyeing technologies for efficient and optimum use of energy. The facility also produces environmentally friendly hydrogen from renewable energies, including solar power generation. The hydrogen is being used for confirmation tests of the fuel cell carrier starting at the end of 2022.
The motorcycle manufacturing hub is aiming to be carbon neutral in fiscal 2027, ahead of the previously planned fiscal year 2030, with reduced energy use at its Hamamatsu Factory, including the expansion of solar power generation facilities, and conversion to renewable energy. By using the know-how gained at the Hamamatsu Factory in other factories, the company will attempt to become carbon neutral in all factories in the 2035 fiscal year.
“Biogas will be obtained from fertilizer”
Suzuki expects the Indian market to grow into fiscal year 2030, and it also expects an increase in total CO2 emissions to be inevitable, regardless of the reduction in CO2 emissions from products. The company will struggle to strike a balance between increasing sales and reducing overall CO2 emissions. Suzuki will conduct biogas activities to meet this challenge. It will produce and supply biogas from cow dung, which is dairy waste, especially in rural areas of India. This biogas will be used in Suzuki's CNG models, which account for around 70% of the CNG car market in India.
For biogas production, Suzuki signed a memorandum of understanding with the Indian government agency National Dairy Development Board and Asia's largest dairy producer Banas Dairy. The company has also invested in Fujisan Asagiri Biomass LLC, which produces electricity from biogas obtained from cow dung in Japan, and is starting its work.
The company believes that biogas operations in India not only contribute to the carbon neutral point, but also support economic growth and contribute to Indian society. It is also considering expanding into other agricultural areas in the future, in regions such as Africa, ASEAN, and Japan.
Contributing to the carbon neutrality and economic growth of developing countries, Suzuki, the leader of the Indian automobile market, acts in line with the Paris Agreement, which requires harmony between developed and developing countries in terms of reducing CO2 emissions. The company believes it can contribute to its stakeholders around the world.
“2 trillion yen investment for carbon neutral and autonomous”
Suzuki will invest a total of Yen 2030 trillion, with Yen 2 trillion in R&D expenditures and Yen 2,5 trillion in capital expenditures until fiscal year 4,5. Of the 4.5 trillion Yen, 2 trillion Yen will be investments related to the transition to electric, and 500 billion Yen of this will be battery related investments.
It also plans to invest Yen 2 trillion for R&D expenditures in carbon neutral and autonomous areas such as electrification and biogas. It is also planned to invest Yen 2,5 trillion in facilities, including the construction of batteries, electric vehicle battery plant and renewable energy plants.
Consolidated net sales forecast for fiscal year 2022 is Yen 4,5 trillion. This is increasing rapidly, surpassing the Yen 2025 trillion target set in the medium-term management plan for fiscal year 4,8. The company wants to grow with developing countries by contributing to their growth. It is also striving to increase the net sales result in fiscal year 3,5 from Yen 2021 trillion to Yen 2030 trillion in fiscal year 7.
Suzuki believes it is important to have the qualities of “excitement”, “energy” and “uniqueness” in its products, even as it tries to strike a balance between being carbon neutral and contributing to the growth of developing countries, in the midst of an important transformation that takes place once in a century. of the brand; Its cars, motorcycles, outboards and electro high-end vehicles have been admired by customers all over the world for their practical and emotional character. Suzuki employees around the world work hard to provide environmentally friendly products and services that support the daily lives of customers around the world and that they can always rely on.