
“Our Career” opens job doors

The "Our Career" platform, established by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality to bring together job seekers and employers, attracts great interest. Both parties are satisfied with the platform, which has approximately 6 thousand users. [...]


Ege University left its mark on EGEKAF 24

Ege University left its mark on EGEKAF 14, which was held under the coordination of the Presidential Human Resources Office, hosted by Pamukkale University, and with the partnership of 24 universities. Participating in the fair with hundreds of academicians and thousands of students, Ege University became the university with the highest participation rate among partner universities. [...]

Mercedes Benz Thousand Star Graduated
German Car Brands

Mercedes-Benz's 2 Stars Graduated

The "Our EML is the Star of the Future" project, which has been implemented in cooperation with Mercedes-Benz Automotive, Mercedes-Benz Türk, the Ministry of National Education and Mercedes-Benz Authorized Dealers and Services, and has been carried out since 2014. [...]


Reasons Affecting Children's Success

Expert Clinical Psychologist Müjde Yahşi gave important information about the subject. If a child is unsuccessful, he usually blames him for not making an effort. However, in fact, the correct approach of the family is responsible for the child's success. [...]


Attention to Covid-19 Precautions in Schools!

Drawing attention to the importance of using correct masks in schools, Anadolu Health Center Child Health and Diseases Specialist Dr. Ela Tahmaz Gündoğdu said, “Do not touch the mask with dirty hands, do not change the mask before changing it.” [...]


Back to School Advice for Families

The pandemic process, which has affected the whole world, continues to affect the education process of children and young people. Especially with the announcement that schools will open after a long holiday period. [...]


Back to School Advice for Families

The pandemic process, which has affected the whole world, continues to affect the education process of children and young people. Especially with the announcement that schools will open after a long holiday period. [...]

automotive summer camp awaits youth

Automotive Summer Camp Awaits Youth

Automotive Industry Association (OSD) is launching the Automotive Summer Camp for high school and university students. Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD) organizes Automotive Summer for high school and university students. [...]