GSB is recruiting for 1453 Dormitory Management Personnel! What is the application for GSB dormitory management personnel? zammoment, how to apply?


Recruitment of GSB dormitory management personnel begins! What are the application conditions and dates?

The Ministry of Youth and Sports (GSB) announced that it will recruit 453 dormitory management personnel to be employed in dormitories. We are curious about the application conditions and dates for the GSB dormitory management personnel recruitment. GSB dormitory management personnel recruitment announcement will be published in the Official Gazette. In this context, "What is the application for GSB dormitory management personnel recruitment?" zammoment, what are the conditions? We have compiled the answers to your questions in our news. Here are the application details for the 2023 GSB dormitory management personnel recruitment…

What is GSB dormitory management personnel recruitment? zamat?

An official date has not been announced yet for the recruitment of GSB 453 dormitory management personnel. However, Minister of Youth and Sports Osman Aşkın Bak, in his statement on his social media account, said, “Our recruitment process is starting for 1453 Dormitory Management Personnel that we will employ in the dormitories of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Details will be published in the Official Gazette and on our ​​page as soon as possible. “I wish you good luck in advance.” he said. In this regard, GSB dormitory management personnel recruitment announcement is coming soon. zamIt is expected to be published in the Official Gazette immediately.

What are the application requirements for GSB dormitory management personnel recruitment?

Application conditions for the recruitment of GSB 453 dormitory management personnel will be clarified with the announcement to be published in the Official Gazette. However, the conditions required for dormitory management personnel recruitment last year were as follows:

  • To fulfill the conditions specified in sub-clauses 657, 48, 4 and 5 of sub-clause (A) of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the Civil Servants Law No. 7,
  • Being a citizen of the Republic of Turkey,
  • To graduate from higher education institutions at least at the undergraduate level, from departments designated for the relevant group.
  • To have at least 2020 (sixty) points from the KPSS (B) group KPSSP3 score type in 60,
  • Having completed the age of 18 as of the last day of the application date,
  • Not being over the age of 65 as of the last day of the application date,
  • Not receiving retirement pension from the Social Security Institution (except widow and orphan pension)
  • Not having any disease that prevents to perform his duty continuously,
  • Full zamThere is no obstacle to real-time work,
  • Archival research results in positive,

Documents regarding the information declared during the application and other documents will be submitted to the relevant unit during the appointment process by the candidates who are eligible to be placed.

How is the staff and branch distribution of GSB dormitory management personnel recruitment?

GSB 453 dormitory management personnel recruitment and branch distribution will be determined with the announcement to be published in the Official Gazette. The staff and branch distribution in dormitory management personnel recruitment last year was as follows:

  • 1000 Dormitory Management Staff (Undergraduate degree, KPSSP3 score type)
  • 200 Dormitory Management Staff (Associate degree graduate, KPSSP93 score type)
  • 200 Dormitory Management Staff (High school graduate, KPSSP94 score type)
  • 53 Dormitory Management Staff (Middle School graduate, KPSSP96 score type)

How to apply for GSB dormitory management personnel recruitment?

The application for the recruitment of GSB 453 dormitory management personnel will be made via the official website of the Ministry of Youth and Sports,, following the announcement to be published in the Official Gazette. Candidates who want to apply will need to complete their applications by filling out the application form within 15 days from the date of publication of the advertisement. Applications will only be received electronically. Applications made by mail or in person will not be accepted.