Aydın Lima Will Receive 7 Workers
Aydın Lima company operating in Söke announced through İŞKUR that it will recruit 7 workers. By filling out the attached external employee recruitment form [...]
Aydın Lima company operating in Söke announced through İŞKUR that it will recruit 7 workers. By filling out the attached external employee recruitment form [...]
In the announcement made by the Police Academy Presidency, 400 guards will be recruited. In the middle of the rules stated in the statement, this year ... [...]
The personnel recruitment announcement of the Forensic Medicine Institute was published in the Official Gazette in various advertisements.
According to the announcement, the Forensic Medicine Institute is central and ... [...]
Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) continues to contribute to the country's qualified workforce with its vision of becoming the leading company of the aviation and space ecosystem. TAI, each [...]
To the General Directorate of TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş. For the position of contracted machinist (assistant machinist) subject to the Decree Law No. 399, at the General Directorate of the Republic of Turkey State Railways Transportation Joint Stock Company [...]
TCDD will recruit civil servants in 8 cities. Candidates will not be interviewed for the recruitment based on KPSS scores. In recruitments to be made without an interview, candidates are appointed according to their KPSS scores. [...]
Employment at the General Directorate of the Republic of Turkey State Railways Transportation Joint Stock Company for the position of contracted machinist (assistant machinist) subject to the Decree Law No. 399 to the General Directorate of TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş. [...]
After the groundbreaking ceremony of the TOGG domestic automobile factory, the recruitment process begins. In a statement made by TOGG, those who want to work within TOGG can apply under the heading "General Application". [...]
In the provincial organization service units of the Ministry of Health, within the scope of paragraph (B) of Article 657 of the Civil Servants Law No. 4 and Article 663/A of the Decree Law No. 45. [...]
TCDD General Directorate has been appointed to the position of contracted machinist (assistant machinist) subject to the Decree Law No. 22 dated 1/1990/399, Republic of Turkey State Railways Transportation Joint Stock Company General Directorate. [...]
Pre-application and oral exam center preferences for contract teaching are available electronically from tomorrow until June 12.https://ilkatama.meb.gov.tr” It will be taken from. 19 thousand 910 contracted teachers [...]
In its statement, the Ministry of National Education stated that 19990 teachers will be employed within the Ministry as Contracted Teachers to work in different branches and provinces. No. 657 [...]
Coast Guard Black Sea Repair Support Command announced that it will recruit personnel who are at least primary school graduates without KPSS condition through İŞKUR. Sahil announced that he will recruit 16 permanent workers. [...]
44 part-time project personnel (candidate researchers) will be recruited to work within the TÜBİTAK Defense Industry Research and Development Institute. Personnel announcement Official of the Press Advertising Agency [...]
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality announced that it will recruit 12 personnel from 2019 different branches in total, with and without KPSS, as of December 44, 420. By IMM Presidency [...]
Metro Istanbul Will Recruit Train Drivers; Metro Istanbul AŞ, a subsidiary of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, will add new train drivers to its team to strengthen its staff. Applications can be made at Kariyer.ibb.istanbul. [...]
TÜBİTAK SAGE Will Recruit Part-Time Project Personnel; 44 Part-Time Candidate Researchers will be employed at Tübitak SAGE Defense Industry Research and Development Institute. TÜBİTAK to the future [...]
Requirements for TCDD Engineer Recruitment Application: With the TC State Railways Enterprise (TCDD) KPSS score and the titles of statistician, engineer and scorer, he travels to different provinces and districts. [...]
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Will Recruit Deputy Inspector; 8th degree in the General Administration Services class, to be employed at the Inspection Services Directorate of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Turkey [...]
DHMI Will Recruit Permanent Civil Servants! ; Recruitment of high school graduate civil servants within the scope of KPSS 2019/2 preference applications by the General Directorate of State Airports Authority (DHMİ), associate degree [...]
TCDD Taşımacılık AŞ Will Recruit 52 Permanent Civil Servants!: 52 positions have been allocated for TCDD Taşımacılık AŞ within the scope of the recruitment of permanent civil servants with undergraduate degrees. Measuring, Selecting and Placement [...]
IMM Will Recruit Train Driver Personnel!; New job postings have been published by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality for job seekers on the IMM Career page. Everyone follows with curiosity [...]
TCDD Machinist Courses Will Be Reopened; Re-opening of the machinist course organized by the General Directorate of TCDD Taşımacılık AŞ, which was opened on February 21, 2018 and attracted great attention. [...]
The results of the oral exam for TCDD recruitment have not been announced for three months. In the news about TCDD recruitment interview results not being announced; Recruitment carried out by TCDD [...]
TCDD Will Recruit YHT Machinist - TCDD Will Appoint 262 Personnel: Civil servant positions were opened within TCDD and the staff distribution was announced on 5.November.2019. Official newspaper [...]
TÜVASAŞ announced that it will recruit a total of 12 engineer personnel to work in the national train project. In the national train project, students from the Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial, Metallurgical, Software and Computer engineering departments [...]
Türkiye Wagon Industry Inc. Following the announcement published by the General Directorate on July 16, 2019, it was shared that 26 permanent workers would be recruited. TÜVASAŞ employee recruitment draw in the presence of a notary [...]
TCDD Enterprise General Directorate, which publishes job postings on the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) public job postings screen, offers railway line maintenance jobs among candidates who are at least primary school graduates. [...]
TCDD Will Recruit 356 Workers Without KPSS Requirement! : According to the recruitment announcement published by the State Personnel Presidency on 28 December 2018, TCDD ( [...]
The General Directorate of State Railways of the Republic of Turkey will recruit personnel to employ within its own structure. Filling the vacant quotas of the General Directorate of State Railways of the Republic of Turkey [...]
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