Togg Announces 2025 Tariff: Prices of T10x Models Announced

Togg's Special Electric Mobility Campaign for 2025

Turkey's electric mobility brand Togg has stepped into 2025 with a user-friendly campaign. The company aims to attract consumers' attention by deciding not to increase the prices of the T10X model and offering attractive credit opportunities.

Togg, delivered to 2024 users in 30 T10X kept the prices of the model constant for 2025. Below are the current prices of the T10X model:

Door Design Price
T10X V1 Standard Range 1.440.000 TL
T10X V1 Long Range 1.680.000 TL
T10X V2 Long Range 1.830.000 TL

Attractive Credit Opportunities

As of January, the advantageous payment options and attractive credit opportunities offered specifically for the T10X V2 model are attracting users' attention. The credit options offered within the scope of the campaign are as follows:

  • 500 thousand TL loan: 0 months maturity with 12% interest or 2,29 months maturity with 30% interest.
  • 650 thousand TL loan: 0,99 months maturity with 12% interest or 2,69 months maturity with 30% interest.

These advantages offer a very attractive opportunity for users considering owning an electric vehicle during this period of high interest rates.

Togg Twitter Account

Priority in the Sector

Togg T10X plays a leading role in Turkey’s mobility transformation. Aiming to reach a wider user base with its special campaign for 2025, Togg continues to strengthen its position in the market with its environmentally friendly and technological vehicles. Its fixed price policy and advantageous payment options make Togg an attractive alternative for those considering purchasing an electric vehicle.


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