Electric Vehicle and Charging Infrastructure Development in Turkey
The number of electric vehicles in Turkey has reached 168 thousand, while the number of charging sockets has reached 27 thousand. According to data obtained from the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK), significant progress has been made in this area with the contributions of 176 licensed companies in Turkey.
6 Charging Socket Per 1 Vehicles
In recent years, the electric vehicle sector in Turkey has undergone a rapid development process. While there is 6 charging socket for every 1 electric vehicles in the country, it is stated that this rate is above the figures in European Union countries. However, the licenses of 30 companies that did not fulfill their obligations were revoked. EPDK continues its inspections continuously so that consumers can receive quality and affordable charging services.
Thanks to the investments made, the number of electric vehicles in Turkey has increased from 2 to 6 in the last 168 years, and the number of charging sockets has increased from 3 to 27. The energy sector continued its development last year, and greater increases are expected in this area with new investments.
Distribution of Vehicle Charging Points by Province
The provinces with the highest number of vehicle charging points in Turkey are as follows:
City | Total Number of Sockets | Number of AC Sockets | Number of DC Sockets |
İstanbul | 7.641 | 5.514 | 2.127 |
Ankara | 3.062 | 2.000 | 1.062 |
Antalya | 1.527 | 1.017 | 510 |
Bursa | 1.337 | 788 | 549 |
İzmir | 1.178 | 753 | 425 |
Muğla | 712 | 449 | 263 |
Kocaeli | 667 | 341 | 326 |
Kayseri | 646 | 392 | 254 |
Konya | 628 | 380 | 248 |
Balıkesir | 534 | 211 | 323 |
Although the number of charging points per vehicle is above the European Union average, it is recorded that only one third of the charging network in Turkey consists of DC (fast) sockets. By 2030, the number of electric vehicles is expected to be 1 million 300 thousand and the number of charging points to be 142 thousand, and by 2035, these figures are expected to reach 3 million 300 thousand and 273 thousand, respectively.