Innovations in Special Consumption Tax Exemptions for Disabled Citizens
With the Presidential Decree published in the Official Gazette, significant changes were made regarding the Special Consumption Tax exemption in vehicle sales to disabled citizens. According to these new regulations, the localization rate was increased to 40% and the holding period for vehicles purchased within this scope was extended from 5 years to 10 years.
SCT Upper Limit Updated
The upper limit of vehicles exempt from SCT, which was determined as 1 million 561 thousand 255 lira last year, was updated to 1 million 2 thousand 290 lira as of January 200. According to the Automotive Distributors and Mobility Association (ODMD) data, the domestic model share in automobile sales was 2022% in 29. With this regulation, it is aimed to increase the share of localization by encouraging domestic production.
The localization rate achieved by providing materials, parts and labor used in automobile production from domestic sources offers a great advantage, especially for automobile brands manufacturing in Turkey, with the new regulation. Oyak Renault Automobile Factories, which actively manufacture in Turkey, make significant contributions to domestic production with an annual production capacity of nearly 400 thousand units.
Clio and Megane Sedan Models
Renault's Clio and Megane Sedan models are among the limited number of models that have achieved a 40% localization rate. These two models hold an important place in the Turkish passenger car market and are expected to stand out as strong choices within the scope of the Special Consumption Tax exemption. Located in the B-HB segment, Clio draws attention with its 145 hp hybrid engine option. In addition, it offers features that challenge the standards in its class with its 10-inch digital display screen, 9,3-inch multimedia screen and 391-liter luggage volume. With its gasoline automatic and low-fuel consumption hybrid engine options, Clio is among the models that comply with the new Special Consumption Tax regulations in all its versions.
On the other hand, Renault Megane Sedan stands out as one of the models that meet the new SCT regulations. MAİS General Manager Berk Çağdaş, stating that the two models are the best-sellers of their product ranges, drew attention to the fact that these models are manufactured in Turkey. Çağdaş said, “Our Clio and Megane Sedan models, which have significant localization rates, will continue to be offered to our disabled citizens with the new regulations regarding SCT exemption. We are happy and proud that we will continue to support the transportation needs of our disabled citizens and contribute to the encouragement of domestic production with these models.”
Renault Duster Special Consumption Tax Discount
Within the framework of the new regulations, it has been officially announced that Renault Duster cannot provide a 40% local content rate. For this reason, Renault Duster cannot be purchased with a SCT discount.