When and at what time will the AÖL exams be held? Will the Open Education High School exams be online? Have the entrance documents been announced?


Everything About AÖL Exams: Dates, Times, Entry Documents

Open Education High School (AÖL) exams are approaching. AÖL students are wondering when, at what time and how the exams will be held. Also, when the exam entry documents will be announced is an important issue. In this news, you can find all the details you need to know about the AÖL exams.

What are AÖL Exams? Zammoment, Online or Face to Face?

The Ministry of National Education (MEB) announced the dates and form of AÖL exams. Accordingly, AÖL 2023-2024 Academic Year 1st Term Written Exams 23-24 December 2023 will be held on . Exams are held in schools with printed documents. face to face will be carried out. AÖL students will take the exams in their own schools.

What Time Are AÖL Exams?

AÖL exams will be held in three sessions. The exam times are as follows:

    1. Session: Saturday, 23 December 2023 day Türkiye time 10.00'in
    1. Session: Saturday, 23 December 2023 day Türkiye time 14.00'T
    1. Session: Sunday, 24 December 2023 day Türkiye time 10.00'in

AÖL students will be able to check the courses and sessions in which they will take the exams from their exam entry documents.

Have AÖL Exam Entry Documents Announced? What? Zammoment Explained?

AÖL exam entry documents are issued five days before the exams, that is, December 18 2023 It will be announced from the date. AÖL students will be able to obtain their exam entry documents from the following internet addresses with their Student/TR ID number and password:

  • For Open Education High School [https://aolweb.meb.gov.tr/ogrenci_giris.aspx]
  • For Open Education Secondary School [https://aionet.meb.gov.tr/OgrenciGiris.aspx]

Exam entry documents will include photographs of students, the classes in which they will take the exams, sessions, exam locations and halls. AÖL students must have their exam entry documents written and come to the exams.


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