Jeep is recalling Wrangler 4xe models in case of fire!

jeep fire danger

Jeep Wrangler 4xe Recalled Due to Fire Risk!

Jeep has decided to recall its Wrangler 4xe models, its representative in the plug-in hybrid car segment, due to the risk of fire. The brand has recently called 8 Wrangler 45.000xe to service after 4 vehicles caught fire while parked.

Why Does Jeep Wrangler 4xe Burn?

Jeep is investigating the source of the fire risk in Wrangler 4xe models. So far, it has been determined that 8 vehicles caught fire while parked. 6 of these vehicles burned while charging. It is thought that the fires were caused by a software error in the vehicles' battery management system.

What Should Jeep Wrangler 4xe Owners Do?

Jeep sent warning messages to Wrangler 4xe owners not to charge their vehicles and to contact the nearest service. He also stated that those who will continue to use their vehicles should only use the internal combustion engine and park their vehicles away from others. The brand also emphasized that this problem did not cause any loss of life and that it was working to find a solution.

How Will Jeep Wrangler 4xe Solve the Problem?

Jeep will implement two methods to eliminate the risk of fire in Wrangler 4xe models. First, it will update the software in the vehicles' battery management system. If this does not solve the problem, the vehicles' batteries will be replaced. The brand will make appointments for Wrangler 4xe owners for these operations.

What kind of vehicle is the Jeep Wrangler 4xe?

Jeep Wrangler 4xe is one of the brand's ambitious models in the electric car market. The vehicle, which was introduced in 2020 and received a minor makeover in 2023, draws attention with its off-road capability and performance. Wrangler 4xe uses a hybrid system consisting of a 2.0-liter 4-cylinder gasoline engine and 2 electric motors. This system produces a total of 380 hp power and 640 Nm torque. Wrangler 4xe has a 17.3 kWh capacity battery and offers a range of 35 km on electricity alone.