Who is Furkan Bölükbaşı, where is he from and how old is he?

Furkan Kimir

While Furkan Bölükbaşı's biography is being researched, one wonders who Furkan Bölükbaşı is and how old he is. Bölükbaşı completed his master's degree at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology. Who is Furkan Bölükbaşı? How old is he and where is he from? Furkan Bölükbaşı biography! Details are in our news…


After completing his undergraduate education at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Istanbul University, Bölükbaşı started his master's degree in the same department. He graduated from my master's degree in 2013 at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology, which I started within the scope of the Faculty Training Program in 2016. She is an editor at the news site TRHaber.


South Korea Fined Meta $15 Million

South Korea has imposed a $15 million fine on Meta, saying the company violated local laws. The decision increases the responsibilities of digital platforms and highlights the importance of regulation in South Korea. [...]