Who is Mahmut Turgut Özal, where is he from and how old is he?


Mahmut Turgut Özal's life and biography are curious. So, who is Mahmut Turgut Özal? How old is he, where is he from, what is his profession? Here are the details…

Who is Mahmut Turgut Özal? Where is Mahmut Turgut Özal from and how old is he? The answers to your questions are wondered. It is wondered who Pınar Selek is. Who is Mahmut Turgut Özal in search engines? How old is Mahmut Turgut Özal and Emrah Safa Gürkan, where is he from, what is his profession? Interrogations are being carried out. We have compiled the biography of Mahmut Turgut Özal in our news…

Who is Mahmut Turgut Özal?

Ahmet Talha Dağlı, who competed in "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" and used both half and double answer wildcard rights to answer the question, won 500 thousand TL with the answer 'C- Mahmut Turgut Özal'. In those moments when everyone was holding their breath after answering each question, Ahmet Talha Dağlı qualified for the 1 million question.