ATA AÖF Exam Dates Announced! Will it be online or face to face?
Ataturk University Open Education Faculty (ATA AÖF) students are wondering when and how the midterm and final exams will be held in the 2023-2024 academic year. ATA AÖF exam dates are included in the university's academic calendar. So, will ATA AÖF exams be held online or face-to-face? Here's what you need to know about ATA AÖF exams.
What are ATA AÖF Visa Exams? ZamDo the moment?
ATA AÖF students can visit the official website of the university to find out the date of the fall semester midterm exams. According to the ATA AÖF academic calendar, midterm exams will be held on 25-26 November 2023. Exam sessions will be as follows:
- Session I 25 November 2023 Time: 09.30
- Second Session 25 November 2023 Time: 14.00
- Third Session 26 November 2023 Time: 15.00
Will ATA AÖF Visa Exams be Online or Face to Face?
ATA AÖF students are wondering whether the exams will be held online or face to face due to the pandemic. No official statement has been made by the university yet on this matter. However, last year's midterm exams and summer school exams were held face to face. The same practice is expected to continue this year.
What are ATA AÖF Final Exams? ZamDo the moment?
ATA AÖF students can also learn the date of the fall semester final exams from the academic calendar. According to the ATA AÖF academic calendar, final exams will be held on 13-14 January 2024. Exam sessions will be as follows:
- Session I 13 January 2024 Time: 09.30
- Second Session 13 January 2024 Time: 14.00
- Session III 14 January 2024 Time: 15.00
What are ATA AÖF Make-up Exams? ZamDo the moment?
ATA AÖF students can also learn the date of the fall semester make-up exams from the academic calendar. According to the ATA AÖF academic calendar, make-up exams will be held on 17-18 February 2024. Exam sessions will be as follows:
- Session I 17 February 2024 Time: 09.30
- Second Session 17 February 2024 Time: 14.00
- Third Session 18 February 2024 Time: 15.00