The Ministry of Youth and Sports (GSB) announced that it would recruit psychologists, office staff and support staff in 2023. Applications were received between 1-15 March 2023. GSB personnel recruitment results were announced today on the official website gsb.gov.tr. Here are the GSB coach recruitment 2023 results and the list of winning candidates.
How to Learn GSB Coach Recruitment 2023 Results?
GSB coach recruitment 2023 results were published in gsb.gov.tr announcements section. Candidates can learn their results by logging in to the [result inquiry page] with their TR ID number and date of birth. The results are listed according to the province, branch and position type to which the candidates applied.
Objection Process to GSB Coach Recruitment 2023 Results
Candidates who want to object to the GSB coach recruitment 2023 results must fill out the [objection petition] and submit it to the relevant Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports within 5 business days from the date the results are announced. In the objection petition, the candidate's name, surname, TR ID number, province, branch and staff type, reason for objection and evidence must be stated. Objections will be evaluated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the results will be notified to the candidates.
What Candidates Who Win GSB Coach Recruitment 2023 Should Do
The main candidates who are successful in the GSB coach recruitment 2023 must submit the necessary documents between the specified dates. The last day to submit documents is September 22, 2023. Candidates who do not submit their documents or submit incomplete documents will lose their right to appointment. Required documents are:
- Written statement regarding the Republic of Turkey Identity Number and address information.
- Diploma or graduation certificate showing that you have graduated for the position of psychologist, office staff or support staff (cleaning).
- Internet printout of the placement document.
- A written statement stating that there is no health condition that prevents him/her from performing his/her duty continuously.
- A written statement stating that he/she does not have a mental illness that would prevent him/her from performing his/her duties continuously.
- Written resume.
- Two biometric photographs taken within the last six months.
- Written statement regarding criminal record and a document with a verification code obtained from the e-Government portal.
- Document regarding military status for male candidates.
Candidates who submit their documents will be informed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports for the appointment process.