How Many Vehicles were Damaged in the Earthquake? What Will Happen to Vehicles Damaged in the Earthquake?

How Many Vehicles were Damaged in the Earthquake What Will Happen to the Damaged Vehicles in the Earthquake
How Many Vehicles were Damaged in the Earthquake What Will Happen to the Damaged Vehicles in the Earthquake

It is stated that one third of 11 million motor vehicles, 1,5 million of which are automobiles, in 3,3 earthquake-affected provinces were damaged in varying degrees due to earthquakes.

It is stated that about one-third of more than 3 million motor vehicles in the earthquake area were damaged in various ways, and insurance companies are demanding that the damage costs of those with a motor insurance be covered immediately.

There are 3,3 million vehicles, mostly automobiles, in earthquake-affected provinces. The exact numbers of how many of these vehicles were damaged or destroyed by the earthquake will be known in the coming days. According to the observations so far, it is stated that the number of damaged vehicles is about one third.

What does the legislation say?

Compulsory traffic insurance does not cover damages to vehicles as a result of earthquakes. In motor insurance, the situation changes according to the content of the policy. If the earthquake damage is covered by the insurance policy, the damage must be covered.

If the vehicle is partially damaged, the repair costs are paid, and if the vehicle is pert, the current price is paid after the legal deductions. If the owner of the vehicle dies, payments are made to his heirs. After the certificate of inheritance is made, you can apply to the insurance company and request payments.

Number of vehicles in 11 provinces

The total number of motor land vehicles in 11 provinces is 2023 million 3 thousand 298 as of the end of January 433. 1 million 546 thousand 280 of these are automobiles. There are a total of 717 thousand 465 motorcycles, 503 thousand 113 pickup trucks, 311 thousand 61 tractors, 117 thousand 237 trucks, 71 thousand 382 minibuses, 22 thousand 588 buses and 9 thousand 307 special purpose vehicles in these provinces. The provinces with the highest number of vehicles are Adana with 750 thousand 1 units and Gaziantep with 601 thousand 997 vehicles, while Hatay, one of the provinces most affected by the earthquake, has 557 thousand 264 vehicles. Şanlıurfa follows this province with 273 thousand 435 vehicles. Kahramanmaraş, one of the two provinces most affected by the earthquake, has 272 thousand 341 motor land vehicles.

“Pay the insurance fees immediately”

MASFED President Aydın Erkoç called on the right holders to pay the motor insurance costs of the vehicles that were dented in the earthquake and that were damaged at varying rates due to other reasons or that were completely destroyed. Erkoç said: “Many of our citizens who survived the earthquake have put their solid or damaged vehicles up for sale due to the need for resources.

It can be thought that the damaged vehicles sold are mostly vehicles without insurance. However, a significant portion of the vehicles in the earthquake-affected provinces also have an automobile insurance.

Insurance companies should act quickly and cover these damages of the victims.

For vehicles that have become completely unusable, they must either procure a new vehicle or pay the value of the lost vehicles within the framework of the provisions of the policy.