Otokar received a total of 34,2 vehicle orders from two leading companies in the Italian market for a total of 148 million Euros for the peak and natural gas city buses.
Otokar, one of the Koç Group companies, received a total of 2021 bus orders from two different operators within the framework of the framework agreements signed with Consip, the Italian-based purchasing office, in 2022 and 148. Deliveries with a total value of 34,2 million Euros are planned to start in the second half of 2023 and to be completed in batches in the first half of 2024.
58 of the orders will be delivered to the Tuscany region of Italy. 28 medium size Doruk buses and 30 natural gas Kent buses will serve in the fleet of Autolinee Toscane, the leading transportation operator that undertakes all transportation in the Tyrrhenian Sea coastal region of Italy.
90 natural gas-powered Kent buses will be exported to Puglia, the southern region of Italy. The vehicles will provide passenger transportation services within the Department of Transport of the Puglia Region (Regione Puglia Dipartimento Mobilita).
The 9-meter medium Doruk buses, produced by Otokar in line with user expectations and offered abroad under the name Vectio, stand out with their modern appearance, powerful engine, road holding and superior traction performance, as well as low operating costs. With its large and wide windows, spacious interior and standard air conditioning, it offers passengers a comfortable and enjoyable journey.