Proper Milk Consumption in Childhood Provides Lifelong Health

Liv Hospital Pediatric Specialist Dr. Fatih Aydın talked about the benefits of milk and the importance of milk consumption in children. We know that consuming milk as a nutrient is more effective in terms of health, rather than taking specific nutritional supplements such as calcium. We strongly recommend that milk and dairy products, which are one of the four important food groups in our daily diet, should be consumed especially in terms of protein and calcium content. Many nutrients such as B2, B12, vitamins A, thiamine, niacin, phosphorus and magnesium in milk are important sources. But it should not be forgotten that the amount of iron is also low. The daily amount of milk we recommend for children is approximately 2 cups, ie 500 ml.

How should the right milk consumption be?

When boiling open milk, not being able to adjust it fully at home and contact with air causes serious protein and mineral losses such as 60-100 percent. This loss rate is very small in UHT and pasteurized milk. Especially pasteurized milk is called daily milk and we recommend the use of these milks.

Which milk should be preferred at which age?

Cow's milk should not be given, especially until 1 year old. Cow's milk should be avoided as much as possible until the age of 2, and goat's milk should never be used instead. However, products such as kefir, yoghurt and cheese made by fermentation of milk can be preferred. We recommend choosing kefir in the first place, cheese in the second place, and yogurt in the third place.

Cow's milk, which is started at an early age, especially within 1 year of age, can cause problems such as severe iron deficiency anemia, tendency to allergic diseases, bone development disorder, growth and developmental retardation.

Milk consumed in childhood has a lifelong protective effect from diseases

Milk contributes significantly to the healthy growth and development of children with the minerals, vitamins, proteins, iodine and calcium it contains. In addition to calcium for bone development, nutrients such as fat, carbohydrates and protein, as well as nutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine, copper and zinc are present in sufficient amounts in milk. same zamDental caries is less common in children with good milk intake at the same time.

Milk consumption is also important for the risk of hypertension, which may occur in older ages. It was determined that there was a correlation between low consumption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and increased blood pressure. By drinking enough milk, we can also contribute to the regulation of blood pressure.

Protective against cancer

Although it has not been determined precisely in some types of cancer with milk intake, it is reported that the risk of especially large intestine and prostate cancers is reduced.

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