Can Disability Risk Be Reduced With Early Treatment in MS?

Medical Park Çanakkale Hospital Neurology Specialist, who conveyed information about MS (Multiple Sclerosis), one of the important diseases of the nervous system. Color Artuğ pointed out that MS ranks first in young people with neurological disabilities, saying, “The future may be brighter for those with new MS. "With early and appropriate treatment, most MS patients will now be able to continue their lives without significant restrictions," he said.

Stating that Multiple Sclerosis (MS) disease is a chronic and autoimmune mediated disease affecting the central nervous system including the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves, Uzm. Dr. Rengin Artuğ said, “MS is not an inherited disease. However, a genetic predisposition is mentioned. "People with MS in their family have a slight tendency to get MS," he said.


Stating that although there are many different theories, the cause of MS has not been determined yet, Uzm. Dr. Rengin Artuğ said, “Although a wide variety of causes (previous viral infections, some toxic substances originating from the environment, eating habits, geographical factors, defects in the body's defense system) have been blamed, none of them could be determined as the definitive cause,” said Rengin Artuğ.


Auto-immune (caused by the body's own immune system), in which any virus that enters the body during childhood or adolescence remains in the body for a long time without any symptoms, and then is triggered by an unknown reason, such as a severe upper respiratory tract disease or gastroenteritis. Noting that there is information about the occurrence of a disease, Uzm. Dr. Rengin Artuğ said, "Our immune system attacks and destroys the myelin sheath of the nerves in the central nervous system by mistake for an unknown reason, while counteracting and fighting against foreign viruses that normally enter the body."

It is more common in women

Stating that the onset of the disease is usually between the ages of 20-40, but there are cases before the age of 10 and after the age of 40, Uzm. Dr. Color Artuğ said, “MS is more common in women. "It is more common in young people of reproductive age, in societies with a high socio-economic level, people living in cities with a high level of education, and in northern countries as they move away from the equator."


Underlining that MS symptoms may differ from patient to patient in terms of severity and course, and may vary according to the affected nervous system region, Uzm. Dr. Rengin Artuğ shared the following information:

"Blurred vision, double vision, abnormal fatigue, numbness in the face, arms or legs, tingling, and sensory symptoms such as matting, as well as trigeminal neuralgia, loss of strength in the face, arm, leg, loss of skill in fine movements, recurrent facial paralysis, urinary incontinence or There may also be symptoms such as inability to do so, constipation, sexual dysfunctions, tremors and other movement disorders, dizziness and balance problems, mood disorders, forgetfulness, sleep problems. One or more of the symptoms may occur together. The first symptoms of the disease appear within a few days; progresses with exacerbations and improvements. While it shows a complete improvement in the initial periods, a small number of patients may get worse without improvement from the beginning. "


Emphasizing that MS is not fatal and that there is no contagiousness, Uzm. Dr. Rengin Artuğ said, "MS disease is not a condition to hide and be ashamed of," continued his words as follows:

“MS patients are not obliged to tell or explain their MS disease to anyone, just as they can tell about their disease to anyone they want. It is recommended that they continue their daily activities, social and professional work. MS ranks first in neurological disabilities in young people. If there is a disability due to MS, they can request appropriate arrangements in the workplace by obtaining a health report, this is the most natural right of our patients. There is no harm in getting married to MS patients. MS patients can marry and have children. However, appropriate zammust be planned at the moment and in the circumstances. Since the risk of attack may increase in the 3-6 months after birth, supportive treatment may be required. The probability of MS occurring in children is very low, it is around 1-2 percent.”


Underlining that the future is brighter for new MS people, Uzm. Dr. Rengin Artuğ emphasized that with early and appropriate treatment, most MS patients can continue their lives without significant restrictions, and shared the following information:

“MS is promoted on the internet, newspapers and TV channels as an incurable disease that causes disability for all patients. However, MS has become a well-controlled disease today. Some of the patients whose illness started in the past and were not treated early are dependent on crutches, wheelchairs or even a bed. Once MS causes disability, it is currently not possible to cure disability. However, early and appropriate treatment is of great importance in terms of reducing restrictions. Just as many diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, and thyroid diseases cannot be eradicated but can be controlled, the situation is similar for MS. "


Stating that what is true for healthy individuals also applies to MS patients, a balanced, rich in fiber, vegetable and fruit, low-fat Mediterranean diet will be suitable for MS patients and salt should be reduced. Dr. Rengin Artuğ said, “Fish is in many ways a good food for both general health and MS disease. In your fish preference, you can choose those rich in Omega fatty acids (especially Omega 3, 6 and 9). Most important ones; all kinds of salmon, white tuna, trout and anchovy. These fish are also high in vitamin D. There are data suggesting that vitamin D may have a place in the treatment of MS, and research on this subject is still ongoing. If you have MS, you can also get protein from beans, grains, nuts and seeds. You can choose to use liquid oils in oil consumption. In addition, fresh vegetables and fruits should be preferred, and you should avoid fried foods and foods with additives ”.

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