Regular Exercise Reduces the Effects of Aging

A sedentary lifestyle is an important factor that increases the risk of disease of all body systems, including the movement system. In order to get rid of this risk and protect health, it is absolutely necessary to exercise.

Regular exercise Alzheimer's and Parkinson's like that, even a protective effect against neurodegenerative diseases, said Turkey Isbank Group companies among the flourishing Health Group, flourishing Icerenkoy Hospital and flourishing Levent Medical Center Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. M. Pınar Dönmez underlines that physical activities that are performed incorrectly or that force the body too much can cause serious problems for health.

According to World Health Organization data, 4 in 1 adults does not meet the recommended levels of physical activity. Individuals who are not active enough have a 25% higher risk of death compared to those who are active. This reveals that approximately 5 million deaths per year can be prevented by regular physical activity.

Emphasizing that regular physical exercises increase both general health and the health of the movement system, Bayındır İçerenköy Hospital and Bayındır Levent Medical Center Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. M. Pınar Dönmez said, “Haruki Murakami first started to write novels in 1978. It took a year to write the novel and, realizing the effects of prolonged sitting, he decided to run as a protective measure. He even eventually became a marathon runner. What if I didn't runzam“I'm running, that's why I became this person,” he says while describing this sports life in his book titled Aztım. Considering the benefits of a regular and continuous exercise program in our lives, it would be very appropriate to use Descartes' phrase "I think, therefore I am" from the 17th century as "I move, therefore I am." he spoke.

Saying that physical activity also has a positive effect on brain activity, Uzm. Dr. Pınar Dönmez said, “A hormone called irisin, which is secreted during exercise, has a protective effect against neurodegenerative diseases by acting on nerve tissue repair / reconstruction. "The effects of iris on aging-related diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, vascular dementia and stroke are being discussed."


Noting that exercises that are started correctly and without personal planning can do more harm than good, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. M. Pınar Dönmez said, “Exercises that are initiated with a sudden decision and are not suitable can cause people to be injured. A person who is not an athlete and who decides to do sports for health should first meet with an internal medicine physician and then consult with orthopedics or physical therapists to get information about existing posture disorders and joint / spine disorders, and adopt a personalized program. he spoke.

"TEMPOYU ZAMUnderstand and increase "

Underlining that sudden and violent programs should not be done in the new period of sports, Uzm. Dr. M. Pınar Dönmez said, “Such an initiation may lead to injury to the tissues. Exercises should be done two or three days a week in the first place and the period should be kept for 20-30 minutes. If longer programs are aimed, sports should be started by taking 20-minute breaks every 10 minutes. In short, exercising by increasing the tempo will protect health. In addition, the choice of shoes, the hardness of the walking floors, the correct lighting, and the maintenance status of the devices used are very important. It would be correct not to choose exercises that may cause weight and injury to the joints. In addition, stretching exercises must be done at the beginning and end of the sports session, ”he said.


Noting that the movement that causes pain at the time of exercise should be stopped immediately, Uzm. Dr. M. Pınar Dönmez continued his words as follows: “It is normal for people who have not exercised for a long time to have muscle pain after exercising. However, if the pain is severe and continues after 24 hours, if it is concentrated on a particular muscle or joint or spine area, it should not be delayed in applying to the physician. "

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