9 Suggestions for Your Gas Stuck Problem

The swelling caused by gas compression causes visible growth and pain in the abdomen, which seriously reduces the comfort of life. Gas compression causes abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness in the stomach. It is important to investigate the source of gas compression that occurs due to many reasons.

Gas resulting from the functioning of the digestive system is a natural phenomenon. Gas trapped in the body is expelled from the anus and mouth. As a result of the gas not being discharged out of the body, compression and bloating occur. Excessive gas production or disturbance in the movement of the digestive system muscles that occur after eating causes bloating in the abdomen. This situation, which occurs depending on the diet or food, can also be a harbinger of some diseases.

Observe yourself by regulating your eating habits

Air swallowed while eating sometimes causes a feeling of bloating in the abdomen. Generally, burping after meals is a result of this situation. In addition, carbonated and fermented beverages (such as acidic beverages, mineral water) cause excess air ingestion, causing gas compression.

During the processing of food in the intestines, gas emerges and can be trapped. Some high fiber foods can cause people to produce large amounts of gas. Legumes such as beans and lentils and some whole grains can cause this condition. Fatty foods can slow digestion and stomach emptying. This may have benefits for satiety (and possibly aid weight loss) but may be a problem for people with a tendency to bloating. To see if it helps, less beans and fatty foods should be eaten.

Foods that cause gas entrapment

  • Legumes such as kidney beans, beans, and chickpeas
  • Garlic and onion
  • Green vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage.
  • Cheese and yoghurt from milk and dairy products
  • Certain fruits (such as oranges, apricots) and whole grains with high fiber content.

Pay attention to these problems!

Reflux, which occurs when acidic gastric secretion goes back to the esophagus, is another cause of gas compression. Reflux disease, popularly known as heartburn, occurs when acidic gastric juice escapes back into the esophagus. Gas tightness with the sensation of food coming to the mouth is very common in reflux patients.

Intestinal motility occurs due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Most patients experience swelling, and about 60% of them report swelling as the worst symptom. Carbohydrates, called FODMAPs, can cause bloating and other digestive symptoms, especially in people with irritable bowel syndrome. For this, it is recommended to stay away from high FODMAPs (wheat, onion, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, artichoke, beans, apple, pear and watermelon). Gas compression problem occurs frequently in this group of patients.

The slowing down of bowel movements may cause an increase in bacteria, especially in the small intestine. Bacteria can cause gas formation, and celiac disease is also among the causes. When foods containing gluten are consumed, the immune system of the patients in this group can damage the intestinal cells. The deterioration in the intestinal structure is the cause of gas compression.

Intestinal hernias, constipation, colon cancer, peptic ulcer are among the causes of gas compression. In addition, gas compression can be seen in 'pancreatitis' where the pancreas is inflamed.

Food allergies and food intolerances due to lack of enzymes or the inability to digest the substance in the food are effective in gas formation. For example, lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance, egg allergy and wheat allergy.

Sweeteners are generally considered as an alternative to sugar. However, in large quantities, they can cause digestive problems. As the bacteria in your large intestine digest sweeteners, they can also produce gas.

Suggestions for gas compression and bloating

It has been established that approximately 16-30% of people regularly experience bloating and gas tightness. Some practical measures can be taken for gas entrapment and bloating. These are listed as follows:

People who suffer from bloating and gas entrapment often have an increased sensitivity to food in the stomach. Therefore, eating smaller meals can be very beneficial.

It is very important to chew food well. Thorough chewing of food in small pieces will also reduce the amount of air swallowed.

To understand that some foods cause more gas or bloating than others, a food diary should be kept.

Chewing gum, using straws, talking or eating in a hurry also causes gas compression as it causes an increased amount of air being swallowed.

Sweeteners such as xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol that cause gas compression should be avoided.

It increases constipation, bloating and gas tightness. Increased water intake and physical activity can be effective against constipation.

Probiotic supplements can help reduce gas and bloating symptoms as they improve the bacterial environment in the gut.

Bloating and gas tightness can also be caused by changes in the function of the muscles in the digestive system. Medications called 'antispasmolytics' that can help reduce muscle spasms have been found to be beneficial. Peppermint oil is a natural substance believed to function similarly. Peppermint oil is known to be effective against bloating and other digestive symptoms, at least in IBS patients.

Simethicone active ingredient drugs; reduces bloating, gas and strain. On the other hand, drugs with active ingredients in lubricant and linaclotide reduce the swelling in irritable bowel syndrome that suffers from constipation.

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