Attention to the Sixth Risk of Disease in Winter!

These days, when the life order is completely changed with the coronavirus pandemic, in fact, it shows us that the viruses that cause viral diseases should be recognized and what kinds of consequences can be encountered if the relevant measures are not taken.

Disease caused by HHV-6 and HHV-7 viruses, known as the "sixth disease" in the society, is one of the most common problems in children during the winter months. Specialist from Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital Child Health and Diseases Department. Dr. Tuğrul Atay gave information about what parents should know about the sixth disease.

Young children are described as 'rose disease'

Known as the sixth disease in the society, "roseola infantum" appears as a disease caused by HHV-6 and HHV-7 viruses, which come from the herpes family known to cause herpes in the lips and genital area. Sixth disease is a disease that mostly affects children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years with high fever for a few days and continues with rose-colored rashes after the fever subsides. Its Latin name has been put as roseola infantum, namely roseola disease of young children, referring to the characteristic of these rashes.

Manifested by high fever

Sixth disease (roseola infantum) in most children progresses with high fever following a mild upper respiratory tract infection, which is the most important symptom of sixth disease. Sixth disease is the most common viral infection that causes febrile convulsion in childhood. Fever may continue for 4 to 7 days, during which time the child may have weakness, anorexia and swelling of the neck lymph nodes. In the continuation of the disease, the fever decreases suddenly and the second distinctive sign of the disease, pink-red, most of the skin zamA non-puffy rash appears at the moment, the rashes fade with pressing. Lighter colored halos form around some of the rashes, then these rashes spread to the neck, face, arms and legs. The fever continues for 3 to 7 days, the fever drops suddenly and the rash begins. The rashes fade and pass for a few hours to a few days.

Can be contagious

Sixth disease is contagious, but the coronaviruszamIt does not cause major epidemics like rash. It can also be transmitted from an infected child by using the same glass of water, fork or spoon by spilling it while talking, sneezing or coughing. However, if the infected droplets are placed on the surfaces and the mouth and nose are touched without touching these surfaces, the sixth disease spreads in this way. It is contagious even when the child only has a fever before the rash appears. Although it usually infects children, it can rarely infect adults. This is usually due to the adult's exposure to the virus in childhood and immunity. By following general hygiene rules, most importantly, by washing our hands frequently and paying attention to social distance, we can be protected from the sixth disease.

The most important step in treatment is a good home care process

A detailed anamnesis (medical history) and a careful physical examination, a good physician, patient and patient's relative communication, the diagnosis is made without the need for an additional examination, the characteristic features of fever and rash and the information provided by the family are the most important factors in the diagnosis of this disease. In the intervening cases, blood tests and serological tests specific to the virus can be performed. As with most viral diseases, there is no specific treatment for the sixth disease. Medicines containing parasetemol and ibuprofen can be used to reduce fever. In addition, in order to control the fever, it is necessary to take a warm shower, keep the temperature of the environment between 22 - 24 ° and cool with warm water-soaked cloths. In children with reduced nutrition, serum can be given intravenously, but to prevent dehydration, increasing the child's fluid intake should be encouraged before this stage. In addition, if there are additional complications, they should be followed up by a pediatric health and disease specialist.

Viral infections are like teachers of the children's immune system.

As in all diseases, eating a balanced diet, avoiding packaged foods containing artificial or preservative substances, feeding our children with vegetable-based cookware, washing hands and paying attention to social distance 6. The precautions that can be taken for the disease. Finally, it is worth noting that such childhood viral infections zamThe moment will be a part of our lives, viral infections are like the teachers of our child's immune system. The important thing is to know these life partners, what zamcan be dangerous and what zamKnowing that you need help from your doctor at the moment.

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