Heart Health Alert in Coronavirus

The coronavirus outbreak that occurred in Wuhan, China continues to affect the whole world. The coronavirus has infected more than 85 million people in the world to date and killed more than 1,8 million people.

Biruni University Hospital Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Ulaş Notifier, “Although coronavirus progresses as a lung disease, it can also cause serious heart problems.

While the rate of having a heart attack increases in the first days in patients with coronavirus infection, problems such as heart rhythm disturbance, stroke and heart valve damage may occur as the disease progresses. Again, people with a previous heart disease are 5 times more likely to have a severe coronavirus picture than other people, ”he said and warned about heart health.


Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Ulaş Notifier, “20% of the patients generally have a severe disease due to lung disease. Although Covid-19 primarily progresses with lung disease, it also causes heart-related diseases. It causes heart damage, heart attack, arrhythmia, heart failure and vein occlusion. Also, individuals with pre-existing heart disease are 5 times more likely to have severe disease. While the risk of having a heart attack increased in the first days, the direct damage of the virus to heart cells occurs in the advanced stages of the disease. In the first days, symptoms such as chest, arm and jaw pain should be cared for and zamA cardiologist should be consulted without losing a moment, ”he warned.

Noting that as the coronavirus disease progresses, damage may occur in the heart and other organs due to the hormones released in the body due to the effects of the virus. Dr. Halil İbrahim Ulaş Notifier, “Again, due to lung damage, the amount of oxygen in the body decreases and the tissues remain without oxygen. Heart disease may develop due to all or some of these effects.

Arrhythmia may also develop due to all these effects. It may cause rhythm disturbance in drugs used in virus treatment, ”he said.

Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Ulaş Notifier, “The risk of developing clots in the arteries and veins may increase in patients with severe Covid-19. Heart attack, stroke and pulmonary embolism (vascular occlusion) may develop due to this, and blood clotting becomes easier due to the effects of coronavirus. For these reasons, vascular occlusion may develop. This risk is higher especially in patients with pre-existing vascular occlusion. In addition, if the person stays immobile for a long time due to the disease, occlusion may develop in the vessels. Use of blood thinners may be required in such high-risk patients. For this reason, cardiological control should not be neglected in order to eliminate the risks of heart health before getting coronavirus disease and to determine whether there is heart damage due to the effects of the virus after the disease.


The appropriate type of sport should be selected considering age, joint health and other accompanying health problems. Temporary exercises that work striated muscles in the body are beneficial for heart health. Brisk movement and physical activity, 3 times a week for 40 minutes, are effective in protecting heart health.

Eat nutrients that reduce stress

It is very important for individuals in quarantine to pay attention to their nutrition. It is very important to keep the patient's psychology well. To achieve this, especially in the evening, foods such as almonds, bananas and similar fruits, oats and similar seeds, cherries and blueberries help the release of psychologically beneficial hormones.


Eating a diet rich in carbohydrates is helping him feel psychologically well. Resisting stress is helpful. However, long-term and poor quality sugar or carbohydrate consumption causes obesity, which can cause many chronic diseases such as heart and diabetes. Quality sugar can be obtained from seeds, root foods, fruits and leaf foods. These foods are rich in minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, and this is very important for the immune system. These foods are important for the body to fight general infections.


Vitamins C, E and beta-carotene are very important in viral infections such as coronavirus. Beta-carotene can be obtained from carrots, sweet potatoes and green leafy vegetables, vitamin C from red peppers, oranges, lemons, strawberries and similar fruits, and vitamin E from vegetable oils, nuts, spinach and broccoli.


Again, because the quarantine will stay at home, the sun cannot be seen, vitamin D production will decrease and its amount in the body will decrease. In addition to strengthening the immune system, vitamin D is also beneficial in many diseases. It is found in fish, liver, egg yolk and dairy products. Apart from this benefit, milk and yogurt help strengthen the immune system as well as meeting the daily protein need. Mineral intake is also very important. Zinc intake is also important. Beans, red meat, nuts, and sesame are abundant. All these foods help increase the body's resistance to the virus.


Mediterranean type nutrition is the most suitable nutrition model for heart patients in quarantine. Consuming vegetables and fruits in the season, choosing olive oil instead of fats, limiting animal protein, choosing dried legumes is the most suitable diet for heart patients.

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