Why Should We Pay Attention to Protein Intake?

Expert Dietician Ecem Ocak, one of the founders of Formteg Counseling Center, which brings together nutrition, diet and psychology consultancy services, explained the importance of protein consumption. Drawing attention to other functions of proteins involved in cell production and repair, Dietician Ocak said, “When protein is consumed correctly, it supports fat burning. Helps to lose weight ”used expressions.

Proteins are the basic building blocks of our body. We need regular and adequate intake of protein sources for cell construction and repair. Explaining the importance of proteins for our metabolism, Expert Dietician Ecem Ocak, one of the founders of Formteg Consulting Center, said, “Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. In other words, amino acids come together to form proteins. Amino acids are divided into essential and non-essential amino acids. We can synthesize non-essential amino acids. But since essential amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body, they must be taken from outside with a diet. ”He listed the important benefits of proteins.


Expert Dietician Ecem Ocak said, “Protein is used as an energy source in the body. Excessive intake can be stored as body fat. Therefore, it is beneficial to take as much as needed. We can calculate the daily amount of protein an adult with low physical activity should take as 1 grams per 0.8 kg. For example, the daily protein intake of a 70 kg individual should be 70 × 0.8 = 56 grams. However, in some cases these needs differ.

These Ones;

  • Children and adolescents in growth and development age,
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women,
  • For those who do sports,
  • It should be kept in mind that the need for protein may increase in some diseases and in some cases it may be limited.

In short, the need for protein; It varies according to many factors such as age, gender, existing diseases, physical activity. It should be taken in sufficient quantity according to the needs ”.


Pointing out that protein can be of both animal and plant origin, Dietician Ocak said, “Some protein sources are considered better sources than others because of their effects on heart health. Foods such as low-fat dairy products, skinless poultry, fish, beans, lentils, and soy can help improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Some nutritious, healthy protein foods;

  • Meat, skinless poultry, eggs: Lean red meat, skinless chicken or turkey.
  • Fish and seafood: Salmon, tuna, shrimp.
  • Low-fat or non-fat dairy products: Yogurt, milk, cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, curd.
  • Legumes: Lentils, beans, peas, soy.
  • Nuts and oil seeds: Walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds.

Protein-rich foods can also be high in saturated fat. High intake of saturated fat negatively affects heart health. Therefore, it is necessary to limit foods high in saturated fat such as offal, processed meat products, fried fish, chicken and meat ”.


Dietician Ecem Ocak explains the important benefits of proteins;

  • “Proteins are the building blocks of your muscles and bones. It increases muscle mass and strength. Therefore, consuming adequate amounts of protein helps preserve your muscle mass and reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Studies show that consuming enough protein increases muscle mass and strength. If you have a lot of physical activity, if you are lifting weights or trying to gain muscle, make sure you need enough protein.
  • Proteins help your body repair itself from any injury. Many studies show that adequate protein intake after injury has an accelerating, restorative effect.
  • Proteins help you feel full for longer.
  • Proteins can increase the metabolic rate and have a supporting effect on fat burning.
  • Our bodies make more of an effort to digest and metabolize protein foods. Since this means calorie expenditure, we can say that it helps to lose weight.
  • With the effect of aging, the muscles gradually weaken. Increasing frailty and bone fractures among older adults is called sarcopenia. "One of the best ways to prevent age-related sarcopenia is to consume adequate protein."


Stating that balance is very important in nutrition, Uzman Dietician Ocak said, “The benefits of proteins are an indisputable fact. Unfortunately, high-protein diets, which are popular today, can cause harm. Protein is used as an energy source in the body, and excessive amounts of this energy can be stored in the form of body fat. Eating high protein can lead to insufficient intake of other nutrients, reduced fiber intake, and constipation, which is a common problem. Excessive consumption of animal-based protein and neglecting the consumption of other foods may increase the risk of heart disease and cancer. It's all about balance. In order to live a healthy life, we have to consume all food groups and items in a balanced way. He concluded his words by saying that you can get support from a nutrition and diet specialist to calculate the amount of daily protein you need, quality protein intake, adequate and balanced nutrition.

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