Overweight Individuals Have More Severe Coronavirus

Obesity is a serious health problem of today that brings many ailments. Recently, the effect of this ailment on coronavirus has been talked about quite often.

On the subject, obesity and metabolic surgery specialist Associate Professor Hasan Erdem said, "The rate of obese and overweight individuals having severe coronavirus is 2 times higher than other people." He made serious warnings by making a statement.

"Obesity is a pandemic that started before COVID-19"

Defining obesity as 'more fat accumulation than it should be in the body', Assoc. Dr. Stating that this disorder is a syndrome, Erdem says: “If a person is obese, they also have other diseases caused by obesity. Many diseases such as heart diseases, lung diseases, joint problems, cancer, insulin resistance are actually related to obesity itself. Yes, the world's agenda is the coronavirus pandemic for about a year, but obesity is actually a pandemic that started before COVID-19. Its effect has nearly tripled since the 1970s and continues to rise. More than 3 billion people in the world are overweight and more than 2 million of them are obese. "

"Hospitalization rate due to coronavirus is higher in obese patients"

“Most of the patients hospitalized due to coronavirus all over the world are the same zamnow he suffers from obesity. " said Assoc. Dr. Erdem said that the reason for this is that obesity significantly reduces the lung capacity, and therefore, these people have more severe coronavirus because it causes difficulty in breathing.

Assoc. Dr. Erdem also pointed out that the rate of obese people responding positively to treatments is also low, saying: Excessive fat accumulation in the body adversely affects the immune system and prevents positive results from the treatments offered against coronavirus. For example, coronavirus patients are put face down to allow easier breathing. However, this situation becomes very difficult in overweight patients and thus the risk of intubation of obese patients increases even more. "

"The higher the person's weight, the more at risk for health"

Assoc. Virtue; Emphasizing that sedentary life, unbalanced and excessive calorie diet are the main causes of obesity, he gives the following information: “The more a person's weight is, the more he is under health risk. This applies to both the many diseases I just described above, and COVID-19. Because the whole body is affected by excess weight. Internal organs, skeletal system, enzymes, heart, brain .. "

"Obesity may be the biggest reason why some countries are more affected by coronavirus"

Prof. notably Turkey, underlining that affected many countries of the world in a big way against obesity. Dr. Erdem continues his speech as follows: “The biggest reason why some countries are more affected by coronavirus may be obesity. Of course, the process is quite new. Many scientific studies in this field are still in writing, but it is not surprising that the coronavirus is more shocking in countries such as the USA, Italy, Spain, England and France. Because the ratio of overweight individuals to the total population in all these countries is over 50 percent. "

"Healthy nutrition and sports activities are the two most effective solutions against obesity"

“This is a stereotype, but healthy eating and sports activities zammoment are the two most effective solutions. " Using the expression Assoc. Dr. Virtue, your ideal weight is the same zamDrawing attention to the key to an ideal life at the moment, he ends his words as follows: “Losing weight should not be thought of as just losing weight. Eating healthy and doing sports activities will make you more resistant day by day. If a diet program is to be applied at this point, expert opinion must be obtained. Obesity and metabolic surgical procedures are effective treatment methods for severe obesity patients who cannot be weakened naturally. "

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