Don't Mix Colon Cancer Symptoms With Hemorrhoids

Colon cancers are among the most common types of cancer in our country and in the world. The symptoms are often confused with hemorrhoids, which may delay the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Modern surgical techniques come to the fore in the treatment of large intestine cancers that can be seen at any age, especially over the age of 50. While the healing process of colon cancer patients with laparoscopic colorectal surgery method is extremely comfortable, the period of returning to daily life is also short. Professor of General Surgery Department of Memorial Ankara Hospital. Dr. Erhan Reis gave information about colorectal cancers and laparoscopic colorectal surgery.

Colon cancers are at the forefront of cancer-related deaths

Large intestine cancers, which are the third most common cancers in humans, are also the second in cancer-related deaths. Although there are many factors that can cause colon cancer; dietary habits, alcohol, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBD) and genetic factors at a rate of 15-20 percent are the main reasons. It is stated that exercising, folic acid, aspirin, calcium and vitamin D supplements can be protective against colon cancer; Screening by colonoscopy is vital, especially in people over 50 years old in the community.

I have hemorrhoids, don't say it goes away

Colon cancers give clinical findings according to the location of the disease. While fatigue due to anemia is an important symptom in cancers located on the right side of the large intestine; Findings such as changes in toilet habits, bloating, bleeding, and intestinal obstruction may occur earlier in left-sided cancers. In particular, cancers of the last part of the large intestine called rectal cancer cause complaints such as bleeding in the toilet and frequent urination. These symptoms are interpreted by many people as diseases such as hemorrhoids. Unfortunately, this situation causes delay in diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Those with a family history should be closely monitored

Although colon cancers are mostly seen in people over the age of 50, they can be seen in all age groups. It is very important to monitor people with a family history of colon cancer more closely and at an early age group.

Colonoscopic examination is required

The diagnosis of colorectal cancers and other diseases is made primarily by thorough examination of the patient's complaints, a careful examination and colonoscopic examination. According to the characteristics of the disease, imaging tests such as tomography and MRI are also important in diagnosis and planning of treatment. PET-CT examination may sometimes be required in patients diagnosed with cancer.

Surgical method selection is very important

Treatment of colon diseases depends on the diagnosis of the disease. Especially in colon cancers, the main point of treatment is surgery. Depending on factors such as the location and stage of the cancer, other treatment methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used before or after surgery.

Laparoscopic surgery increases patient comfort

Laparoscopic surgery is the operation by entering the camera and other instruments through the small pipes placed in the abdominal cavity through the abdominal wall without making large incisions in the abdominal wall. There are instruments such as scissors, holders, burners, sewing tools specially designed for this process. Surgery is usually performed with instruments inserted into the abdomen through one-centimeter and 5-millimeter holes. Laparoscopic cholerectal surgery is a method that can be used in all cases that require surgery in large intestinal diseases such as colorectal cancers, benign diseases of the large intestine, diverticular disease and rectocele.

The biggest advantage of laparoscopic colorectal surgery is that the procedure is performed without large incisions in the abdominal wall. After the surgery performed with this method, the patient has a comfortable recovery process and returns to normal life earlier. However advancing zamThe risk of hernia, adhesions and complications that may occur at moments is lower.

Since the pain of patients who can take a bath the day after the surgery is much less, walking, movement and respiratory problems are experienced less than open surgery. However, all functions of the patient, including nutrition, are gained earlier and the duration of hospital stay is shorter.

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