How to Overcome Trauma After Earthquake?

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symbol of renault is replaced by taliant

The Izmir earthquake that took place on October 30 also affected physiological and emotional states. Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Dr. Faculty Member Psychiatrist Gresa Çarkaxhiu Bulut and Maltepe University Application and Research Center Manager for Children Living and Working on the Streets, Assoc. Dr. Özden Bademci evaluated the psychological effects of the earthquake.


The earthquake of 6,9 magnitude that destroyed buildings and caused loss of life in İzmir and the ongoing aftershocks cause physiological, emotional and behavioral problems. Specialists, who refer to the importance of returning to routine work and daily life as soon as possible to overcome earthquake trauma, frequently envision the moment of the event in your mind, and recommend that you seek professional support if you feel anxiety, fatigue, loss of appetite and malaise.

The Izmir earthquake that took place on October 30 also affected physiological and emotional states. Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Dr. Faculty Member Psychiatrist Gresa Çarkaxhiu Bulut and Maltepe University Application and Research Center Manager for Children Living and Working on the Streets, Assoc. Dr. Özden Bademci evaluated the psychological effects of the earthquake.

Dr. Lecturer Gresa Çarkaxhiu Bulut said that natural disasters such as earthquakes can trigger many different emotional and behavioral symptoms by creating "danger" signals in humans, and these symptoms include anxiety, restlessness, tension, anger easily, difficulty in making decisions and focusing, fatigue and sleep. / He explained that appetite disorders can be counted. “Most of these reactions are temporary,” said Bulut. During this period, it is very important for physical and mental health to be in places where the physical safety and needs of yourself and your relatives are met, to communicate with your loved ones, to try to protect your diet and sleep patterns, and to return to your daily routines as soon as possible.


Emphasizing that the greatest negativity during a disaster is "what is happening" or "not knowing what to do at that moment", namely uncertainty, Bulut stated that in terms of public health, educating people about what can be experienced in an earthquake and what to do after the earthquake has an effect that facilitates coping with trauma. The cloud has difficulty in returning to normal daily life in the first weeks after the earthquake, the moment of the event is often revived in the mind during the day, if fatigue, anxiety, sleep and appetite disorders continue to increase instead of decreasing, these are physical symptoms such as malaise, numbness or headache and abdominal pain. If it was added, it definitely suggested getting professional support.

The most common symptoms in children and young people after disasters are restlessness, irritability, crying, startle, sleep-appetite disturbances, difficulties in maintaining attention, difficulty separating from caregivers, increased need for attention and contact, frequent questions about the incident, and temporary losses in acquired skills in young children. Stating that he was seen, Bulut suggested the following:

“Most of the anxiety experienced after the traumatic event zamit becomes lighter in the moment. Among the ways to reduce anxiety and make it easier for children to cope with this unusual situation; what children want zamIt is recommended to provide safe environments that allow them to express the event and emotions they experience at the moment, to be exposed to speeches and news about the earthquake to a reasonable extent, to create solution-oriented role models without panic while reporting the event. In the meantime, it is very important to listen to the concerns expressed by children, not to ignore them and try to understand them. It is necessary to gradually overcome the fears they have expressed (for example, staying for a short time before entering the closed area, then extending the time) and support them to practice. "


Assoc. Dr. Özden Bademci said that feelings such as shock, fear, anxiety or numbness naturally experienced after the earthquake should be accepted as normal reactions to extraordinary conditions. Every compelling experience zamStating that it may not be traumatizing at the moment, Bademci said, “Trauma is not a situation that has happened to us. Trauma is what happens in us against what happens to us. If the negative event is limiting the person's reactions, tearing him away from himself, preventing him from accessing his potential, inner resources and using his resources. zam"We can talk about trauma at the moment," he said.

Stating that under stress, a person can react to fear, panic, deny the situation, or become numb by breaking their ties with their feelings, Bademci pointed out that the person may turn to negative news and focus only on negativity and expect disaster. Such zamStating that trying to think that the situation is temporary and trying to think positively will not be enough, Bademci continued as follows:

“The intervention must be directed to the emotional brain, which is only possible with body-focused therapeutic interventions. That is why many people today are turning to yoga or meditation. Post-earthquake psychological interventions are interventions involving mind-body integrity; News should not be followed for a long time, but only from reliable sources and for limited periods. Watching the news for a long time makes our body numb. It increases stress, anxiety. It detaches the person from the moment he is in. Not being in the moment is a sign of trauma. In dealing with anxiety, stress, and uncertainty, one needs to be 'here and now'. One can only do this by being aware of the body's reactions. "


Bademci said that in such a period when uncertainty prevails, it will be good to connect with people we feel close to. Stating that we will feel safe in this way, Bademci said, “Trust is not a state of absence of danger. Trust is when a person is open to bonding. We need to feel our bodily sensations or to recognize what is not, without judgment. This is of course a new language. Only in this way can our minds begin to breathe and our thoughts become clear. " said.

Emphasizing the importance of children expressing themselves through play, Bademci continued as follows:

“They may be quiet or even give the impression that they are very active, even cheerful, not affected by what happened. Excessive mobility and cheerfulness are the manifestations of anxiety, fear, and excessive arousal of children. It is very important to establish play-based communication with children, to play games that provide an environment for their movement, and to make them aware of their physical sensations in these games. Making the exercises fun by gamifying them also prevents the negative memories from being triggered. Play is the natural language of children. Children try to realize their bodily sensations gradually by having fun. When the child starts to feel his / her body again, it re-awakens the feeling of control. The child becomes self-regulated; The outpouring of his energy, almost locked in with fear, is restored through play. "

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