How to Study Physics Lesson?

How to study physics lesson: Studying is a situation that requires concentration, but knowing the methods of studying is a very important issue both to provide concentration and to make studying more efficient. Physics lesson is an interpretative lesson that is included in the science group lessons, and requires individuals to use their numerical capacities.

Physics is one of the lessons that are perceived by students as the most difficult in the branch courses as a result of a false bias. This is the root cause of failure. Physics lesson should be perceived like other lessons. It is an easy and enjoyable course to learn after some simple basics are met.

We can divide the difficulty level of the physics questions in the exams into three groups:

  • 25% is easy,
  • 50% is normal,
  • 25% of them are distracting,

A student who works on a physics course programmed can easily solve 75% of the questions. In physics lesson, ranking questions, comparison and difference questions, ratio questions, and principle questions are the main question types. Since physics questions are generally shaped and complementary to each other with the question text, the given and desired values ​​should be determined by considering both together.

Physics Subjects

  • Force and Motion
  • Vectors
  • Relative Movement
  • Newton's Laws of Motion
  • Constant Acceleration in One Dimension
  • Motion in Two Dimensions
  • Energy and Movement
  • Repulsion and Linear Momentum
  • Tork
  • Balance
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Electric Force and Electric Field
  • Electrical potential
  • Uniform Electric Field and Capacity
  • Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
  • Alternative current
  • Transformers
  • Uniform Circular Movement
  • Roll Off Movement
  • Angular Momentum
  • Gravitation and Kepler's Laws
  • Simple Harmonic Motion
  • Wave Mechanics
  • Diffraction, Interference and Doppler Event in Waves
  • Electromagnetic Wave
  • Introduction to Atomic Physics and Radioactivity
  • Historical Development of the Atomic Concept
  • The Big Bang and the Formation of the Universe
  • radioactivity
  • Modern Physics
  • Special Relativity
  • Introduction to Quantum Physics
  • Photoelectric Event
  • Compton and De Broglie
  • Applications of Modern Physics in Technology
  • Imaging Technologies
  • Semiconductor Technology
  • Superconductors
  • Nanotechnology
  • X Rays

In principled questions, the root of the question should be read first and the principles should be examined in accordance with this purpose. Questions should be approached with thought and interpretation, not rote logic. While solving questions, the event should be concretized by drawing figures and graphics, if possible, and zamloss of moment should be prevented. Particular attention should be paid to underlined keywords, which express the least, the most, precision and so on.

Studying Physics Lessons

Understanding physics in class is a prerequisite for success. Explanations and examples given by the teacher should be followed very carefully and all details should be taken into consideration. Questions, solutions, graphs and drawings should be recorded without errors. While the teacher is telling the subject or solving sample questions, the incomprehensible parts should be asked and learned immediately. In order to understand and follow the subjects to be covered more easily, you should definitely come ready for the lessons.

Studying Physics individually

Regular and scheduled repetition is required after the lesson in order to be successful in the physics course. Basic concepts on the subject should be learned well. Incomprehensible concepts, definitions and sub-titles, notes kept in lessons should be reviewed daily, learning should be reinforced with sample questions.

The questions of the previous years should be solved, provided that the physics book based on the MEB curriculum is the main source, it is necessary to benefit from all the documents such as auxiliary textbooks, lecture notes and question banks.

What are the Characteristics of the Questions of the Physics Course?

Physics lesson is the lesson with 40 questions and the most questions among the 14-question science courses in YKS, and it is a course that all students, especially numerical students, must learn. We can divide the difficulty level of the Physics questions in YKS into three groups. 25% of them are easy, 50% are normal and 25% are distracting, and they are difficult questions that require interpretation and abstract thinking. This means that a student studying physics course can easily solve 75% of these questions. The remaining questions, or the questions in the TYT, are questions that can already be easy for students who have solved a total of 70.000 - 80.000 questions from all courses during the exam preparation process.

Study Program for Physics Course

A) In the lesson: It is a prerequisite to be successful in the physics lesson in the lesson. Explanations and examples given by the teacher should be followed very carefully and all details should be taken into consideration. Questions, solutions, graphs and drawings should be recorded without errors. While the teacher is telling the subject or solving sample questions, the incomprehensible parts should be asked and learned without delay (without delay). In order to understand and follow the subjects to be covered more easily, you should definitely come to the lessons prepared and without prejudice.

B) In Individual Studies: In order to be successful in the physics course, regular and scheduled repetition is required after the lesson. Basic concepts related to the subject should be learned thoroughly. Incomprehensible concepts, definitions and sub-titles, notes kept in lessons should be reviewed daily, learning should be reinforced with sample questions. The questions of the previous years should be solved, provided that the Physics book based on the MEB curriculum is the main source, it is necessary to benefit from all documents such as auxiliary classroom resources (textbooks, question banks, subject tests, lecture notes, homework books, etc.).

Before coming to the class, it is very important to read the theoretical part of the subject to be covered that day from the Physics book in your hand and to come to the class by solving a few questions. During the lesson, the teacher should be listened to and taken very good notes by cutting off the connection with the extracurricular things. Eye contact with the teacher should never be lost while listening to the lesson. Places that are not understood should definitely be asked to the teacher. [Do not forget that; Please try to write clearly, as this will be your best supplementary resource notebook to learn about forgotten topics later.]

After the lesson, you should definitely repeat the subject on the evening of the day of the lesson, and this rule should never be broken, as the repetition not done on the first day will make your work more difficult. In this sense, it is beneficial to solve the questions asked in the lesson once more at home - definitely. Just as we have stated in our article about the Mathematics lesson, Physics lesson is also a lesson that is studied by writing and drawing figures, not by looking.

What Should We Pay Attention To When Solving Physics Questions?

  • The text should be well read and understood before solving the question. After the question is understood, it should be resolved. The given should be written aside and the figure should be drawn if necessary. Then, using appropriate formulas and information, solutions should be carefully considered. After the most reasonable, fast and reliable solution is found, the question should be solved by using all the information given gradually according to the place. The event given in the question should be experienced (imagined) as much as possible; and the process path should be supported in the most appropriate way for this fiction, and the method of resolution should be determined and the solution should be started immediately.
  • The student should not try to solve the questions by analogy with the previous questions; instead, it should solve each question by reinterpreting it with their knowledge of the topic to which it is concerned.
  • Failures in solving questions should not discourage the student, and the student should persistently continue solving questions and repeating the topic.
  • Then, after you have grasped the subject very well, you need to reinforce the subject well by solving questions from the test books. If there are too many questions you cannot solve, it means that you do not fully understand the issue at this stage; The only thing you need to do here is to reconsider the subject and immediately take 'One to One Tutoring' from your school / private teaching institution.
  • With the contribution of the classroom lectures, you should put the questions that you cannot solve or the question patterns and topics that are difficult for you, on the table again in the 'One-to-One Tutoring', and the deficiencies in this dual work should be identified and removed completely. Since the help you will receive from your teacher will help you fully grasp the subject, with this new understanding, you need to resume the problem solving or the source search where you left off.
  • If you enrich your work with all these breakthroughs and feedback, that's it zamThe topics we grasp at the moment will remain in your memory for a long time; and thus you will not miss any questions in a way that reflects all your studies in your university exam.

The Importance of Physics Course According to Score Types

Studying Physics Lesson For Those Prepared In Turkish-Social Score Type:
Physics lesson can be seen as a first-degree lesson for students who aim to enter higher education programs with the Verbal score type. But this view is extremely misleading and erroneous. Because the Physics lesson was seen by the Verbal students in the first grade of High School within the scope of the common curriculum and was left behind by passing the class. For this reason, the Science Test questions in YKS naturally also bring points to Verbal students.

In addition, while Verbal students generally compete among themselves, they reach satisfaction and become professional after a point in their major courses. For this reason, almost all Verbal students can leave very good points with almost '0' error in their main-branch courses. In this case, Verbal students can stand out a little more with the 5-10 points they can collect from YKS's courses such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, rather than the net of the main courses in their own branches, and they can make a difference to their competitors in their field only in this way.

Therefore, we think that the Physics test at YKS is also important for Verbal students, as getting at least 5-10 points as a verbal student from these courses, which are included in the curriculum of the Common courses, will put you in front of 50.000 people at once. Therefore, we think that it is of great benefit for Verbalist students who want to guarantee themselves or get a high verbal score to learn the Physics course within the Common Curriculum and especially to answer the questions of the priority subjects they can do.

In summary, our advice to Verbalist students is to focus on at least the subjects that are likely to arise questions and that are first-degree related while studying Physics. When we reach the 4th grade of high school, since the Physics curriculum of the High School 1st grade may be forgotten to a great extent, we think that it will be appropriate for Verbal students to take the YGS mock exams frequently or to completely solve a set of Science subject tests or 1 YGS Physics question bank every year.

Studying Physics Lesson For Those Prepared In The Numerical Score Type

This course is one of the most indispensable and selective courses for students who want to enter programs in the numerical score type. On the other hand, Physics course draws attention as the course with the highest number of subjects among numerical courses. The preconceived notion of the difficulty of this lesson, in particular, makes the student lose the end of the rope, and when spring comes, that is, a few months before the exam, this lesson can turn into a complete nightmare. Therefore, to think that Physics is difficult, I cannot do it anyway; progressive zamIt will deeply affect your overall success and score in the moment.

Also, since the texts of the questions in this lesson are longer and shaped questions compared to other numerical lessons, zamIn order to use your memory economically, the main numerical lesson where you have to solve the most questions after the Mathematics lesson while studying is of course the Physics lesson.

In addition, the questions of this course should not be left at the end of the exam, as they are the questions with the ability to process and interpret. For this reason, our advice to Digital students is to overcome their prejudices about this course, to keep their question galleries and anthologies (collections) as large as possible, and to do a wide-ranging literature search to meet all possible question patterns. Thus, by increasing problem-coping strategies and processing skills, zamthey reach an adulthood that can solve all Physics problems at the moment. (Please re-read the other techniques and strategies that we have highlighted in the entire article for detailed assimilation.)

Studying Physics Lesson For Those Prepared In Equal Weighted Score Type

Equal-Weighting students should also turn to the subjects they can do from the Physics questions in the Science Test of YKS within the framework that I have explained at length for Verbal students above. (Please re-read the section we wrote above for Verbal students for detailed assimilation.)

Studying Physics Lesson For Those Prepared In The Language Score Type

In the previous years, the questions of this course were not taken into consideration while calculating the language score, and the Physics course questions were rearranged to increase the Language score with a series of changes made in the OSYS system in the last few years. For this reason, like all students, language students should try to increase their second score (Language Points) by solving how many questions out of 160 questions they can solve in the YKS exam without making any distinction between "in-field" or "out of field". For this reason, we think that it will be beneficial for Language Students to act like Verbal or Equal-Weighted students. (Please re-read the section we wrote above for Verbal students for detailed assimilation.)

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