In order to be employed under the Municipality of Düzce, subject to the Civil Servants Law No. 657; According to the provisions of the Municipality Fire Brigade Regulation, firefighters will be recruited to the specified vacancies by open assignment, provided that they meet the title, class, grade, number, qualifications, KPSS score type, KPSS base score and other conditions.
GENERAL AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF APPLICATION: Below are the general and special conditions that must be followed in the applications to be made for the vacant firefighter cadres of Düzce Municipality.
Candidates who will apply to be appointed to the announced civil servant positions must meet the following general conditions stated in the clause (A) of Article 657 of the Civil Servants Law No. 48.
a) Being a Turkish citizen.
b) Not to be deprived of public rights.
c) Even if the periods specified in Article 53 of the Turkish Penal Code have passed; Crimes against the security of the state, even if a prison sentence or pardon for a year or more for a crime committed deliberately, crimes against the constitutional order and the functioning of this order, embezzlement, extortion, bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, abuse of office, fraudulent not to be convicted of the crimes of bankruptcy, rigging the tender, rigging the performance of the act, laundering of the assets arising from the crime or smuggling.
d) In terms of military status for male candidates; have nothing to do with military service or have not reached the age of military service, or if he / she has reached the age of military service, he has served the active military service or has been postponed or transferred to the reserve class,
e) Not having mental illness or physical disability that may prevent him from performing his duty continuously.
f) To meet the other application requirements sought for the announced positions.
a) For the announced firefighter cadre title, it is stated in the opposite of the titles to be recruited from the Public Personnel Selection Exam (KPSS) in Secondary Education (High School or equivalent) 2018-KPSSP94 and Associate Degree 2018 KPSSP93 for this education. To have obtained the minimum KPSS score from the types of points.
b) Not to be removed from the public institutions and organizations that he has worked for before, due to indiscipline or moral reasons.
c) In addition to the general conditions specified in paragraph (A) of Article 657 of Law No. 48, as well as the special conditions in Article 15 / A of the Municipality Fire Regulation, in order to apply for firefighters; Weighing and measuring on an empty stomach, naked and naked feet, at least 1.67 meters for males, at least 1.60 meters for females, and no difference of more than 1 kilograms (+, -) between the part with a height of more than 10 meter and weight. Height and weight determinations will be made by our municipality.
d) Not to be over the age of 30 on the date of the exam.
e) To comply with the working conditions of the fire department, provided that they do not have a phobia such as closed space, narrow space and height in terms of health.
f) To have at least B or C class driving license given by the provisions of the Highways Traffic Law dated 13.10.1983 and numbered 2918 and specified in the qualification section of the table.
During the application;
Application form from our institution or municipality http://www.duzce.bel.tr It will be available from the internet address.
The following documents will be attached to the application form.
. Original of identity card or a copy to be approved by our institution
. Original or notarized copy of diploma or graduation certificate, barcoded graduation certificate to be obtained via e-government (copies can be certified by our municipality provided the original is submitted)
. Original or notarized copy of the Certificate of Equivalence for Foreign School Graduates (copies can be certified by our municipality provided that the original is submitted)
. The computer printout of the KPSS Result Document with the verification code taken from the ÖSYM site,
. Declaration that he is not related to military service,
. A statement that there is no obstacle to performing his duty continuously,
. 2 photos (1 of them will be pasted on the form),
. Original or notarized copy of the driver's license (copies can be certified by our municipality, provided that the original is submitted)
Candidates can take the oral and practical exam;
Candidates, in order to participate in the oral exam;
. Personal application to Düzce Municipality, Human Resources and Education Directorate, Cedidiye neighborhood, İstanbul street / DÜZCE, in order to measure height and weight under the supervision of health personnel, together with the documents listed above, from 02/11/2020 until 04/11/2020. will complete the application process.
. Applications made by mail or other means will not be accepted.
. Applications made with incomplete information and documents or without qualifications will not be evaluated.
. By checking the compatibility of the Turkish ID number and OSYM records, the candidates will be ranked according to their KPSS scores, starting with the candidate with the highest score, five times the number of vacancies to be appointed, the candidate will be invited to the oral exam.
. Other candidates who have the same score as the last candidate to be invited to the exam will be invited to the exam.
. The website of our municipality with the candidates who are eligible to take the exam and their KPSS scores http://www.duzce.bel.tr It will be announced on the internet address.
. Candidates whose applications are accepted and invited for the exam will be sent an “Exam Entrance Document” issued by our municipality, which includes the candidates' identity information and the place and date of the exam.
. This document will be presented at the entrance to the exam. No notification will be made to candidates who cannot qualify for the exam.
Verbal and practical exam;
The oral and practical exam will be held between 23/11/2020 - 26/11/2020 at the address of Düzce Municipality Fire Brigade, Azmimilli neighborhood, Gazhane street No: / 70 DÜZCE. The exams will start at 09.00:XNUMX. If the oral and practical exam cannot be completed on the same day, it will be continued the next day. Candidates who do not take the exam on the announced exam date and / or cannot attend the exam due to an excuse will be deemed to have lost the exam right.
Verbal exam;
a) The Constitution of Turkey,
b) Atatürk's Principles and History of the Revolution,
c) Law No. 657 on Civil Servants,
d) Basic legislation on local administrations,
It covers topics.
Applied exam; Measuring professional knowledge and ability related to the title of staff and measuring the characteristics such as driving and sportive endurance.
Oral examination, Constitution of Turkey, Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution, 657 of the Act, the basic regulatory issues related to Local Government is made out of a total of 25 points, including 100 points and scores the exam board members of the passed separately report.
Practical exam, It is made over 100 full points and the points awarded by the members of the examination board are recorded in separate minutes.
Evaluation in the exam; The exam score is calculated by taking 40% of the oral part of the exam and 60% of the applied part, and the scores given by the members of the exam board are recorded in a separate report. To be considered successful in the exam, it is necessary to get at least 60 points.
Success score of candidates for appointmentis determined by taking the arithmetic average of the exam score made by the municipality and the KPSS score. http://www.duzce.bel.tr announced on the internet address.
If the success points of the candidates are the same, the higher KPSS score will be given priority. Starting from the highest success score, the number of permanent candidates and reserve candidates will be determined as much as the number of permanent candidates. Main and reserve candidate lists our municipality http://www.duzce.bel.tr It will be announced on the internet address and written notification will also be made to those on the list.
Exam Board; has the right to get some or none of those announced in the exam announcement if they find the achievement points low or not sufficient from the cadres announced for the recruitment at the end of the exam.
During the applications and procedures, the examinations of those who are found to make false statements or hide the truth in any way are deemed invalid and their assignments are not made. Even if the appointments of such cases are determined, their assignments are canceled. These persons cannot claim any rights and will be filed a criminal complaint with the Chief Public Prosecutor.
Exam results, our municipality on the success list http://www.duzce.bel.tr It can be appealed in writing within seven days of its announcement on the website. Objections are concluded by the examination committee within seven days and the relevant person is informed in writing.
It is announced. - Düzce Municipality