Chemical Exports Reached 8 Billion Dollars in 12 Months

According to the data of Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters' Association (İKMİB), the chemical industry exports amounted to 2020 billion 1 million dollars in August 378. The sector's 8-month exports reached 11,5 billion dollars.

The chemical industry, which exported 11 billion 521 million dollars of chemicals and products in the January-August period this year, declined by 14,09 percent compared to the same period last year. Iraq, USA and Germany became the top three countries to which most chemicals were exported.

Evaluating the export figures of the chemical industry in August, Adil Pelister, Chairman of the Board of Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters' Association (İKMİB), said: “This year, our chemical industry was also affected by the general decline in exports in the economy of our country and the world, which contracted as of the second quarter due to the pandemic. After the recovery in June and July, there was a decline in both our country's exports and our sector in August, with the effect of the public holiday. In August, we exported 1 billion 378 million dollars of chemicals. Iraq ranks first in August in countries where we manufacture chemicals and products the most, while the USA, which ranks second with an increase of 39,06 percent, draws attention. On the other hand, when we look at the capacity utilization rates of our chemical industry, we see that the average decreased to 67,08 percent in May, started to rise from June and rose to 70,85 percent in August. Turkey Manufacturing PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) was held at the 54,3 level seen in August and the continued recovery if the decline compared to July. We are going through an extraordinary period. Despite this, we maintain our position as the second most exported sector in the eight-month period. Our Minister of Trade is close zamannounced the “Kolay Export Platform” at the moment. This platform provides exporters with detailed information from market information to tax rates of countries. We believe that the Easy Export Platform, which will spread digital transformation to all our exporters and even our exporter candidates can benefit, will pave the way for our exporters, especially in e-commerce. "

Most exported country in August was Iraq

Iraq was the top export country in August. Other countries in the top ten, following Iraq in August, were the USA, Germany, Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Israel, Italy, Russia and Romania.

Chemical exports to Iraq amounted to 2020 million 85 thousand dollars in August 960. In August, the most "plastics and their products", "essential oils, cosmetics and soap", "washing preparations", "pharmaceutical products", "Paints, varnishes, ink and preparations", "miscellaneous chemicals", "fertilizers", "mineral fuels, mineral oils and products", "adhesives, glues, enzymes" and "inorganic chemicals" were exported.

The countries with the most chemical exports in the eight-month period January-August 2020 were the Netherlands, Iraq, Germany, USA, Italy, England, Spain, Israel, Romania and Belgium, respectively.

Most "plastics and products" exported in August

Exports of plastics and their products in the chemical substances and products product groups in August ranked first in chemical exports with 489 million 214 thousand 499 dollars. Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products ranked second with exports of 196 million 121 thousand 717 dollars, while inorganic chemicals exports ranked third with 123 million 169 thousand 459 dollars. Following inorganic chemicals, other sectors that are in the top ten are; 'essential oils, cosmetics and soap', 'pharmaceutical products', 'rubber, rubber goods', 'paints, varnishes, ink and preparations', 'miscellaneous chemicals', 'washing preparations' and 'organic chemicals'.

Chemical exports on a monthly basis in 2020

AY 2019 VALUE ($) 2020 VALUE ($) DIFFERENCE (%)
January 1.540.769.133,16 1.683.339.106,89 9,25%
Şubat 1.645.862.599,42 1.495.039.447,61 % -9,16
Mart 1.844.543.244,29 1.503.598.574,27 % -18,48
Nisan 1.773.905.701,26 1.271.581.944,21 % -28,32
Mayıs 1.939.043.000,19,06 % -39,29
Haziran 1.297.571.923,73 1.426.310.107,54 9,92%
Temmuz 1.737.960.266,10 1.585.516.915,06 % -8,77
August 1.631.563.988,57 1.378.741.677,75 % -15,50
TOTAL 13.411.219.857 11.521.410.718 - 14,09%

Countries with the highest chemical exports in August 2020

1 IRAQ 75.741.889,76 85.960.683,63 13,49%
2 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 55.625.073,17 77.354.943,29 39,06%
3 GERMANY 63.245.142,84 68.884.508,26 8,92%
4 BRITAIN 47.530.488,14 54.286.597,20 14,21%
5 SPAIN 51.366.413,32 43.942.477,42 % -14,45
6 NETHERLANDS 161.845.474,03 43.550.589,46 % -73,09
7 İSRAİL 36.853.471,40 39.001.495,78 5,83%
8 ITALY 116.936.666,61 38.814.111,10 % -66,81
9 RUSSIA 35.582.153,01 37.598.389,07 5,67%
10 ROMANIA 32.745.096,71 36.391.309,30 11,14%

Sub-sectors in the chemical industry exports in August 2020

PLASTICS AND PRODUCTS 461.568.972 489.214.499 5,99%
MINERAL FUELS, MINERAL OILS AND PRODUCTS 519.075.914 196.121.717 % -62,22
INORGANIC CHEMICALS 134.763.742 123.169.459 % -8,60
ESSENTIAL OILS, COSMETICS AND SOAP 90.669.658 114.497.761 26,28%
PHARMACY PRODUCTS 63.743.230 92.115.452 44,51%
RUBBER, RUBBER GOODS 87.476.641 90.691.942 3,68%
PAINT, VARNISH, INK AND PREPARATIONS 68.645.732 71.540.642 4,22%
MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICALS 58.610.574 68.571.453 17,00%
WASH PREPARATIONS 37.878.905 48.386.717 27,74%
ORGANIC CHEMICALS 64.453.762 39.440.776 % -38,81
FERTILIZERS 25.178.095 25.245.254 0,27%
ADHESIVES, ADHESIVES, ENZYMES 17.782.455 17.560.437 % -1,25
Gunpowder, Explosives and Derivatives 703.356 1.286.171 82,86%
PHOTOGRAPHY AND CINEMA PRODUCTS 981.122 835.124 % -14,88
PROCESSED asbestos and mixtures, products 8.080 3.362 % -58,39
TOTAL 1.631.563.989 1.378.741.678 % -15,50

Hibya News Agency

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