Bayburt University Faculty Member

From Bayburt University Rectorate Bayburt University Faculty Member:

A faculty member will be recruited to our University in accordance with Articles 2547 and 23 of the Higher Education Law numbered 24 and the provisions of the Directive on Promotion and Appointment Criteria of our University approved by the Higher Education Council. No applications are received for the announced positions within the scope of the Additional Article 2547 of the Law No. 38.

The application period is 15 days from the date of publication of the announcement.


They must meet the conditions required in Article 2547 of Law No. 24 for associate professors, Article 2547 of Law No. 23 for faculty members and in accordance with Article 657 of DMK No. 48.


1) Application petition (available at,

2) CV (in YÖK Format),

3) 2 photographs,

4) E-government printouts of Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate / Specialization, Associate Professorship documents (originals will be requested after the appointment, if they are appointed) or certified photocopy (The original copy of the document is shown to the applied unit and the copy is also valid),

5) A document confirming the equivalence of diplomas obtained from foreign countries by the Interuniversity Board,

6) Four (4) copies of a file covering the list of publications and scientific studies and publications.

7) Assessment form for the staff of Faculty Members showing that they meet the conditions stated in the 6th article of Bayburt University Directive on Promotion and Appointment Criteria.

Excluding Those Currently Working at Bayburt University:

8) Military status certificate, (demobilization certificate or The printout to be taken from the website at address) - Those who perform their military service as Reserve Officer-Reserve Officer Teacher must submit a discharge certificate.

9) The statement that there is no health problem that prevents you from working in the title you are entitled to appoint

10) Criminal Record Certificate (From the Public Prosecutor's Office or The printout to be taken from the website address)

11) The detailed Service Document approved by any Public Institution employees (even if they worked and left before) from the Institutions they work for

12) Property declaration form (fully filled in handwriting, signed and in a sealed envelope)


Applications for associate professors will be made to the Personnel Department of our University in person or by mail.

Applications for the faculty members will be made to the relevant Faculty / School in person or by mail.