What is a Magnetic Rail Train? Who Invented the Maglev Train? How Fast Does the Maglev Train Go?

Magnetic levitation train (maglev) "MAGLEV" is the abbreviation of the English word "magnetic levitation", meaning "magnetically holding in the air, raising".

Maglev train technology has not yet begun to be widely used as it is largely under development. Germany and Japan are currently working on maglev train technologies. The first example of maglev trains in daily life started to be used in Shanghai, China. The train, which runs on a 30 km line, can cross this distance in 7 minutes and 20 seconds.

The concept of Maglev is actually a concept that we are not very far away from in everyday life. As we know, the poles of the two magnets push each other. One of the two magnets placed below the bottom can be held in the air without touching the other with the effect of magnetic thrust forces.

How Does Magnetic Train Work?

Maglev trains also operate on this principle. Maglev trains have magnets under them. Same zamAt the moment, there are electromagnets in train rails specially produced for maglev trains. An electromagnet is a magnet with a magnetic field created by an electric current passing over a wire. When the current does not flow through the wires, the magnetic effect disappears or the magnet's polarity can be changed by controlling the direction of the current. Thanks to these magnets, the train moves on rails at a height of 10 mm. Since there is no contact with the rails, friction is greatly reduced. The shape of the train is also designed to minimize friction with air.

Although Maglev trains are faster and cheaper than regular trains, they require very powerful electromagnets and very sensitive control systems, and current technology is not advanced enough to allow widespread use of these trains. Another major obstacle to maglev trains is that they cannot run on normal train tracks. (There are studies on this subject, with a system built in the middle of the normal train tracks, it is planned to use the same rails of the Maglev and the normal train.) Special lines must be laid between the residential centers for these trains, and the cost of this is quite high. But passing zamAs the developing technology increases the advantages of maglev trains, this cost can be afforded. In the future, such trains may replace airline transport, especially in domestic passenger transport.

Who Invented the Maglev Train?

The Maglev, known as the Magnetic Levitation train, was first discovered at Brookhaven National Laboratory. James Powell and Gordon Danby of the Brookhaven Laboratory obtained the first patent for the magnetic levitation train in the 1960s. Powell came up with this idea for the first time, one day he was waiting in traffic, as there should be a better means of transport than traditional trains and cars. He thought he could levitate a train using superconducting magnets. Superconducting magnets are electromagnets that are cooled to extremely low temperatures on the basis of increasing the strength of the magnetic field.

The first commercial high-speed superconducting Maglev train was opened in Shanghai in 2004.

How Many Kilometers Does Maglev Train Go Per Hour?

In the trial conducted at the Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, the train, which could go about 826 km per hour, broke a new record by reaching a speed of about 1019 km / h in the trial two days later.

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