Kocaeli Metro Line Projects and Feasibility Studies; The Northern Light Rail Line (HRS / LRT) projects and feasibility studies have been prepared in line with the travel demands determined within the scope of Kocaeli Transportation Master Plan (KUAP).
The North HRS Line route starts from Atalar Mevkii in Körfez district and follows the D-100 Highway and ends at Tütünçiftlik-Derince-İzmit-Yahya Kaptan-Köseköy Cengiz Topel Airport.
The said backbone line connects Izmit, Derince, Korfez and Kartepe district centers with each other and with Izmit city center. The main service area of the line includes residential areas, important urban activity areas and business areas.
The line is planned to be commissioned in two stages in 2020 and 2025 years. The 33,3km section of the Dubai Port-Uzunciftlik section of the system, which has a total length of approx.
The route of the line starts underground in the Gulf of Atalar District, goes up to the surface in the Factories region in the east, passes to the viaduct structure at Köseköy station, turns back to the level structure and follows the D100 Highway, and the line ends at Cengiz Topel Airport. The line along the route continues as 24km underground, 6,2km level and 3,1km viaduct. The 23 station of the line that will have total 17 stations is underground, 5 station is level and 1 station is viaduct structure.
According to operational characteristics, it is calculated that the system will carry 9.211 passengers in one direction cross section at peak hour in the opening year and this value will reach 2035 passengers in 17.168, which is the main plan target year, and 2050 passengers in 25.856.
When the model assignment results of 2035 year are evaluated on the rail system line, total passenger 34.654 in one direction in the target year, total passenger 48.339 in two directions per peak hour, total passenger 425.125 in two directions per day, total passenger 144.967.474 in two directions per year.
The Northern HRS Line (Atalar-Cengiz Topel Rail System) is expected to start operating with 2020 vehicles including spare vehicles in the opening year of 44, and to reach a fleet size of 2050 vehicles in 167.
The warehouse, which includes the storage area of the vehicles, the operation and control center (TCC) and the maintenance workshops, was designed in the 24 m300 area after Yahya Kaptan, leaving the main line from Km: 250.000 + 2.
Signalized intersections have been arranged at the intersections of the highway and both pedestrian, rail and road safety have been maximized.
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