Crashes at Gaziray Station

Crashes at Gaziray Station! : Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, supported by TCDD'in Gaziray Suburban Project on the station on the ground collapse occurred Başpınar road. Hasan Şencan, a member of the CHP of Şahinbey Municipality, who received information from the authorities by making investigations in the region, said, “This structure was built with serious figures as a tender price. What level of detail is the ground survey report of this structure? Or was it done without a ground survey report? S he asked. Şencan noted that Başpınar station was one of the first areas to be demolished in a possible earthquake.

CumhuriyetAccording to the news in; “It was learned that the 2017-kilometer-long Gaziray Banliyo Project, which Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality started in 25 with the support of TCDD, collapsed at the station under construction on the Başpınar road. Hasan Şencan, CHP Assembly Member of Şahinbey Municipality, who examined the disruptions in the Gaziray Project, which is expected to end in 2020, stated that concrete has been poured into the station where cracks have been formed on the ground for about a month. Concrete is poured on the ground to prevent this collapse. According to the information we get from engineers, this process is in vain. Because it is stated that this process was done without ground survey report. This concrete process, which is poured underground to fill the ground, does not strengthen this building. It is a pity for the money spent. ” Close to power View Guler's Full Profile about 800 million TL Şencan said that yapı This structure was built with serious figures as a tender price. What level of detail is the ground survey report of this structure? Or was it done without a ground survey report? Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Fatma Şahin needs to enlighten the public by answering these questions. ”


Şencan noted that Başpınar station was one of the first areas to be demolished in a possible earthquake and said, gereken Before the construction of a structure, a ground survey report is required. In this report, in the light of Geotechnical data; Critical technical information such as ground bearing capacity, ground class, ground bed floor number is reached. In the soil survey reports, if the values ​​related to the ground do not meet the capacity value of the constructor, ground improvement is performed. Adequate carrying capacity of the ground is achieved. However, after the building is built, the improvement methods applied to the ground do not reach the required levels. This structure, especially built on a line carrying such a function, needs to be done more carefully. This structure has undergone ground settling deformation ”. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality and TCDD under the protocol built between the Gaziray metro line, Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul, Mayor Fatma Sahin and AKP MPs with the participation of the test drive was carried out. While the test drive was broadcasted live on social media, the insult of AKP Gaziantep deputy Ahmet Uzer against the citizens who watched the test drive “They look like the thing looks at the train” was reflected in the images. The image had received a great response on social media.

Map of Gaziray