local automobile sahlacak our country

Domestic Cars Will Shake Our Country

"100 Percent Domestic Automobile", one of Turkey's most important national projects, was introduced today with the participation of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The promotion held at the Informatics Valley in Gebze; ministers, [...]


Domestic Cars Will Shake Our Country

"100 Percent Domestic Automobile", one of Turkey's most important national projects, was introduced today with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The promotion held at the Informatics Valley in Gebze; ministers, [...]

Domestic Cars TOGG Introduced

Domestic Cars TOGG Introduced

Turkey's Automobile Enterprise Group (TOGG) discussed the progress it has made in the 18 months since its establishment and how it will lead the technological transformation in Turkey at the 'Journey to Innovation' meeting held in the Informatics Valley. [...]


Domestic Cars TOGG Promotion Made

Turkey's Automobile Enterprise Group (TOGG) discussed the progress it has made in the 18 months since its establishment and how it will lead the technological transformation in Turkey at the 'Journey to Innovation' meeting held in the Informatics Valley. [...]

domestic joy of living in Bursa

Local Car Joy in Bursa

Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) Chairman Ibrahim Burkay, Turkey's 60 years of happiness will be held in Bursa domestic automobile dream and said they experienced the excitement. [...]

How much will the price of domestic cars

What will be the price of domestic cars?

Turkey's Automobile Enterprise Group (TOGG) will be introduced today. Citizens began to wait for the presentation with excitement. The promotion will be held in the Informatics Valley in Gebze. Domestic car launch on Friday, December 27 [...]


What will be the price of domestic cars?

Turkey's Automobile Enterprise Group (TOGG) will be introduced today. Citizens began to wait for the presentation with excitement. The promotion will be held in the Informatics Valley in Gebze. Domestic car launch on Friday, December 27 [...]


Local Car Joy in Bursa

Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) Chairman Ibrahim Burkay, Turkey's 60 years of happiness will be held in Bursa domestic automobile dream and said they experienced the excitement. [...]


Domestic Automobile Factory Where to Install?

Turkey's Automobile Enterprise Group (TOGG) will be introduced today. Citizens began to wait for the presentation with excitement. The promotion will be held in the Informatics Valley in Gebze. Domestic car launch on Friday, December 27 [...]


All Details About Domestic Cars TOGG

Turkey's Automobile Enterprise Group (TOGG) will be introduced today. Citizens began to wait for the presentation with excitement. The promotion will be held in the Informatics Valley in Gebze. Domestic car launch on Friday, December 27 [...]